
Our staff work in four verticals: Research, Education, and Training; Policy and Communications; Evidence to Scale, and Finance and Operations. Staff support J-PAL's work at our global office at MIT and regional offices worldwide.


Headshot of Zahra Boudalaoui-Buresi

Policy and Research Associate, J-PAL Europe

Madeline Brancel

Policy Manager, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Ivan Brant

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Michael Braun

Policy Manager, J-PAL Europe

Ariana Britto

Policy Manager, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Ottavia Brussino

Senior Policy and Training Associate, J-PAL Europe

Headshot of Gaby Bustamante

Senior Policy and Communications Associate, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Senior Operations Associate, J-PAL North America

Headshot of Mariel Cabral

Senior Development Manager, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Raquel Caldeira

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Africa

Headshot of Jack Calland

Research Associate, J-PAL Africa

Headshot Daniel Carvalho Mendonca

Research Assistant, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of John Cavanagh

Research Manager, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Juhi Chacko

Senior Policy And Research Associate - Air and Water Labs, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Tanay Chanda

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Sharada Chandankar

Project Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Sharanya Chandran

Director - Policy & Communications, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Piyali Chatterjee

Policy Manager, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Aditya Chauhan

Senior HR Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Harshiv Chhabra

Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Sambhav Choudhury

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Himmat Singh Chouhan

Project Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Parikrama Chowdhry

Lead - Policy (Scale Ups), J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Kate Christie

Policy and Research Associate, J-PAL North America