Ariana Britto

Policy Manager, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean
Ariana Britto is a Policy Manager at J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). She is responsible for managing partnerships with Brazil's governments and identifying and promoting synergies with other J-PAL projects in the country.
Prior to joining J-PAL in 2022, she served for two years as Coordinator of knowledge production at the Center for Educational Policies at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (CEIPE-FGV). Ariana was a project manager at the Laboratory for Studies and Research in Social Economy (LEPES – USP/RP) and senior researcher at the Institute for Studies on Work and Society (IETS), always working on topics related to the economic analysis of social policies and, in partnerships with governments. She was a professor of the Economic Sciences course at the IBMEC Educational Group between 2013 and 2020. Since 2021 she has been a consultant for the Teaching Profession Movement, working with the theme of the attractiveness of the teaching career in primary education. Ariana has experience evaluating educational, social protection, and housing programs and public policies.
Ariana holds a PhD and a Master in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense (RJ) and a Bachelor in Economics from UNICAMP (SP). She is an associate researcher at the Center for Studies on Inequality and Development (CEDE-UFF) and an associate member of the Black Economists Network (REPP).