
Our staff work in four verticals: Research, Education, and Training; Policy and Communications; Evidence to Scale, and Finance and Operations. Staff support J-PAL's work at our global office at MIT and regional offices worldwide.


Headshot of Michalea Chua

Policy Associate, J-PAL North America

Headshot of Bo Clay

Senior Operations Associate (Initiatives), J-PAL Global

Julie Cobill

ESG Lead, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Ana-Maria Colina

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Edivaldo Constantino

Research Senior Manager, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Lisa Corsetto

Senior Policy Manager, J-PAL Global

Renata Cossio

Communications Associate, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot Priscila Costa

Policy Manager, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Luisa Costa

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Sarah Coughlin

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Global

Bruno Crépon photo

Scientific Director, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Co-Chair, Labor Markets


ENSAE and École Polytechnique

Kimberly Dadisman

Associate Director of Policy, J-PAL North America

Catherine Darrow

Associate Director of Research, J-PAL North America

Research Manager, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Prachi Das

Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia

Headshot of Sourav Das

Training Manager, J-PAL South Asia

Senior Policy Manager, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Therese David

Senior Research and Training Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot Jordana De Jesus

Policy Associate, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Antoine De Mascarel

Research Assistant, J-PAL Europe

A headshot of a woman

Senior Policy and Communications Associate, J-PAL Global

Jeniffer de Souza

Research Associate for Project Support, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean

Headshot of Margaret Dennis

King Climate Action Initiative Fellow, J-PAL North America

Headshot of Arth Depuri

Research Associate, J-PAL South Asia