Our library of practical resources is intended for researchers and research staff undertaking randomized evaluations, as well as those teaching the technique to others, and anyone interested in how randomized evaluations are conducted.
Incorporating lessons learned through our own experience and through guidance from researchers and research organizations, we provide practical advice for designing, implementing, and communicating about evaluations. These resources are a collaborative effort. We credit the authors of all the resources we post here, and link to their original work wherever possible.
Please reach out to us at [email protected] or fill out this form with questions or feedback.
Trial registration
This resource provides guidance for researchers wishing to register their study in a public trial registry. We list common social science registries and registration policies of common funders and...
Enregistrer une étude dans un registre d’essais
Cette ressource est destinée aux chercheurs qui souhaitent enregistrer leur étude dans un registre d’essais public. Elle recense les registres les plus communément utilisés en sciences sociales et...
Pre-analysis plans
A pre-analysis plan (PAP) describes how researchers plan to analyze the data from a randomized evaluation. It is distinct from the concept of pre-registration, which in economics is the act of...
Les plans de pré-analyse
Un plan de pré-analyse (PPA) décrit la manière dont les chercheurs prévoient d’analyser les données issues d’une évaluation aléatoire. Il est à distinguer de la notion de pré-enregistrement qui, en...
Randomization for causal inference has a storied history. Controlled randomized experiments were invented by Charles Sanders Peirce and Joseph Jastrow in 1884. Jerzy Neyman introduced stratified...
La randomisation à des fins d’inférence causale a une longue et riche histoire. Les expérimentations contrôlées randomisées ont été inventées par Charles Sanders Peirce et Joseph Jastrow en 1884. En...
Power calculations
This section is intended to provide an intuitive discussion of the rationale behind power calculations, as well as practical tips and sample code for conducting power calculations using either built...
Calculs de puissance
Cette ressource décrit l’intuition qui sous-tend les calculs de puissance et fournit aux chercheurs des conseils pratiques et des exemples de code permettant d’effectuer ce type de calculs à l’aide de...