Lecciones de la Evidencia

¿Qué hemos aprendido de las evaluaciones aleatorizadas que los hacedores de política pública, los tomadores de decisiones y los donantes puedan usar para mejorar los programas sociales? Las Lecciones de la Evidencia de J-PAL están organizadas por sector y resaltan los aprendizajes que surgen en múltiples estudios y los mecanismos que ayudan a explicar los resultados encontrados.

Los Directores de cada Sector y el staff de J-PAL resumen estas lecciones a partir de evaluaciones aleatorizadas relevantes y las actualizan constantemente incorporando los hallazgos de la literatura más reciente. Cada lección resume la evidencia sobre un tema específico, ofreciendo enlaces a los artículos de investigación y a los resúmenes de las evaluaciones. Para más información sobre cómo desarrollamos nuestras Lecciones de la Evidencia, puedes leer esta entrada en nuestro blog.

Esperamos que estas Lecciones, al combinarse con un entendimiento detallado del contexto local y de la implementación del programa, puedan ser herramientas prácticas para el diseño de políticas y programas informados por evidencia. Para ver ejemplos de cómo las Lecciones de la Evidencia han informado las políticas públicas, visita nuestra página De la Evidencia a la Acción

Two women shake hands across a table in a business setting

Improving job seekers’ employment and earnings through credible skills signals

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Credible skills signals help alleviate information barriers for both job seekers and firms, and often improve employment and earnings at a low cost. More and better information enables applicants to have a more effective job search, often resulting in higher-quality jobs and better employment...
Farmers in a field

Leveraging index insurance to protect farmers from weather-based risk

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When designed well, insurance does protect small-scale farmers from adverse weather events, but farmers have low demand for these products at market prices. New technologies and climate-smart agricultural practices can reduce farmers’ risk exposure and increase their climate resiliency. More...
Workers transfer goods from trucks

Market access: Connecting firms and entrepreneurs to markets to spur business and job growth

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Improved access to markets has often helped small firms in low- and middle-income countries grow by boosting firm revenues and profits. These interventions have been effective because they have led to new sales, helped firms connect with new types of buyers, and increased information sharing and...
Farmers working in a field

Building farmers' resilience to climate change

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In the face of weather shocks, improved agricultural technologies and techniques, financial services, and social assistance programs can improve the resilience of small-scale farmers. These tools can help farmers prevent crop losses, avoid consumption cuts or sales of productive assets, or even...
Workers construct a road while a car drives past on the right side

Public works programs and labor market outcomes

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Public works programs in low- and middle-income countries provide short-term employment and earnings boosts to participants. These programs usually do not lead to lasting labor market benefits when measured several years after implementation, though they often generate lasting effects on asset...
Two female students collect clean water from a tube well in a jug in Bangladesh.

Pairing insights from engineering, public health, and behavioral science to improve access to and use of clean water

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Low-cost, simple interventions like dilute chlorine solution or water filtration can reduce households’ use of unsafe or contaminated water—a key source of morbidity and mortality, especially among children. Full subsidies can expand access to and usage of water treatment options among households...
Woman making digital financial service transaction

Digital financial services to improve formalized access and inclusion

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Digital financial services have dramatically improved access to formal accounts, especially for marginalized communities. Increased access to digital services has led to a reduction in remittance transaction costs, which has facilitated sharing of financial burdens and alleviated poverty.
Young men participate in an activity for the Becoming a Man program in Chicago. Photo: Rob Kozloff | University of Chicago

Preventing crime and violence with behavior change techniques

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Crime and violence prevention programs that draw on behavior change techniques to address cognitive biases in decision-making have been effective in reducing criminal, violent, and antisocial behaviors. These generally low-cost interventions may help participants enhance their emotional regulation...