Our library of practical resources is intended for researchers and research staff undertaking randomized evaluations, as well as those teaching the technique to others, and anyone interested in how randomized evaluations are conducted.
Incorporating lessons learned through our own experience and through guidance from researchers and research organizations, we provide practical advice for designing, implementing, and communicating about evaluations. These resources are a collaborative effort. We credit the authors of all the resources we post here, and link to their original work wherever possible.
Please reach out to us at [email protected] or fill out this form with questions or feedback.
Introduction to Randomized Evaluations
A non-technical overview and step-by-step introduction for those who are new to randomized evaluations, as well as case studies and other teaching resources.
Before Starting a Project
Tips on successful field management and implementation partnerships for researchers who are new to fieldwork.
Project Planning
Highlights include: annotated checklist for designing an informed consent process, detailed advice on grant proposals and budgeting, and suggestions for proactive measures to help ensure ethical principles are followed in research design and implementation.
Research Design
Data Collection and Access
This section contains guidance specific to working with surveyors or survey companies, information about administrative data collection, and information applicable to all modes of data collection, such as on data security, data quality, and grant management.
Processing and Analysis
All the steps in a research project after the data was collected or assembled, from data cleaning to communicating results.
Checklist for launching a randomized evaluation in the United States
J-PAL North America’s Evaluation Toolkit is intended for researchers, research managers, research assistants, and students trained in economic theory and research design who are preparing to launch a...
Communicating with a partner about results
Randomized evaluations require collaboration and communication between many stakeholders, including academic researchers, research staff, implementing partners, holders of administrative data...
Formalize research partnership and establish roles and expectations
This resource outlines steps to establish and build a strong working relationship with an implementing partner at the beginning of a randomized evaluation. Topics include questions to consider when...
Define intake and consent process
Far from a simple administrative step, decisions about a study’s intake and consent process are critical for the success of a study. This process can affect statistical power, bias, and the validity...
Data security procedures for researchers
This document provides a primer on basic data security themes, provides context on elements of data security that are particularly relevant for randomized evaluations using individual-level...
Assessing viability and building relationships
This resource guides researchers through background research and early discussions with a program implementer who has expressed interest in a randomized evaluation, and with whom a partnership seems...
Quick guide to power calculations
This resource is intended for researchers who are designing and assessing the feasibility of a randomized evaluation with an implementing partner. We outline key principles, provide guidance on...
Administrative steps for launching a randomized evaluation in the United States
This checklist provides guidance on the logistical and administrative steps that are necessary to launch a randomized evaluation that adheres to legal regulations, follows transparency guidelines...