
Our staff work in four verticals: Research, Education, and Training; Policy and Communications; Evidence to Scale, and Finance and Operations. Staff support J-PAL's work at our global office at MIT and regional offices worldwide.


Headshot of Richard Ssempagama

Senior Finance and Operations Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Emily Sylvia

Senior Policy Manager, J-PAL Global

Swetha Teli

Senior HR Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Natalie Valent

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Beatriz Velho

Policy Manager, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Demitria Wack

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Global

Associate Director, Policy & Communications, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Diana Warira

Policy Manager, J-PAL Global

Senior Research, Education and Training Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Jessica Williams

Policy Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Dakota Wyne

Senior Finance and Operations Associate, J-PAL Global

Headshot Alice Yao

P&C Summer Intern, J-PAL Global

Headshot of Andre Zollinger

Senior Policy Manager, J-PAL Global