Our library of practical resources is intended for researchers and research staff undertaking randomized evaluations, as well as those teaching the technique to others, and anyone interested in how randomized evaluations are conducted.
Incorporating lessons learned through our own experience and through guidance from researchers and research organizations, we provide practical advice for designing, implementing, and communicating about evaluations. These resources are a collaborative effort. We credit the authors of all the resources we post here, and link to their original work wherever possible.
Please reach out to us at [email protected] or fill out this form with questions or feedback.
Introduction to measurement and indicators
The goal of measurement is to get reliable data with which to answer research questions and assess theories of change. Inaccurate measurement can lead to unreliable data, from which it is difficult to...
Introduction to measurement and indicators
Les mesures visent à obtenir des données fiables permettant de répondre aux questions de recherche et d’évaluer la validité de la théorie du changement. Si ces mesures sont imprécises, elles risquent...
Survey design
This section covers the essentials of survey design. It includes an overview of survey development, practical tips, formatting suggestions, and guides to translation and quality control.
La conception des enquêtes
Cette ressource couvre les aspects essentiels de la conception d’une enquête. Elle offre une vue d’ensemble du processus d’élaboration des enquêtes, donne des conseils pratiques et des suggestions...
Survey logistics
Managing a survey is a massive logistical undertaking. This resource, and the other resources under survey data collection, describes the decisions to make and processes to set up in advance to...
Logistique des enquêtes
La gestion d’une enquête constitue une opération logistique de grande envergure. Cette ressource, ainsi que les autres ressources relatives à la collecte de données d’enquête, décrit les décisions à...
Grant and budget management
This resource covers practical advice on managing grants for principal investigators (PIs) and research staff. We include overarching tips to help ensure smooth grant management throughout the project...
Gestion des subventions et du budget
Cette ressource offre aux chercheurs principaux et au personnel de recherche des conseils pratiques pour la gestion des subventions. Elle contient des recommandations générales pour faciliter la...