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Learn more about some of the most impactful randomized evaluations and bodies of research that J-PAL North America has supported over the past decade.
Matching Provider Race to Increase Take-up of Preventive Health Services among Black Men in the United States
This study tested whether increasing representation among physicians of color would improve health outcomes for patients of color. Researchers found that when a Black man saw a Black male doctor, they were more likely to take up preventive health services, especially more invasive tests like a finger prick or an injection. Read More >>
Characterizing Firm-Level Discrimination
In this study, researchers sent more than 83,000 fictional resumes, randomly varying demographic information, to job postings of Fortune 500 companies to determine whether certain characteristics would lead to different follow-up contact rates. Employers were less likely to contact resumes with distinctively Black names than resumes with distinctively white names. Read More >>
SNAP Take-Up Evaluation
A randomized evaluation in partnership with the non-profit Benefits Data Trust (BDT) found that sending informational mailers to eligible older adults doubled enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) compared to households that didn’t receive any additional information. Pairing the informational mailers with an offer of help to compile required documents and submit applications tripled SNAP enrollment. Read More >>
Creating Moves to Opportunity
The Creating Moves to Opportunity (CMTO) project is an ongoing collaboration between J-PAL affiliated researchers and public housing authorities. The project introduces and evaluates programs designed to help families who receive Housing Choice Vouchers exercise housing choice and move to neighborhoods with greater economic opportunity. Read More >>
Summer Youth Employment Programs
A J-PAL North America Evidence Review synthesizes findings from thirteen randomized evaluations of Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEPs) across four major US cities. The evidence demonstrated that SYEPs are an evidence-based option for improving the lives of young people in outcome areas as diverse as criminal justice involvement, education, and youth development. Read More >>
Health Care Hotspotting in the United States
Researchers investigated the impact of intensive wrap-around support on hospital readmission rates among individuals with high health care usage who have complex medical needs. Despite previously receiving national attention as a promising model, this intensive support program had no impact on six-month hospital readmission rates. These results ultimately prompted an institutional shift in thinking by the implementing organization, Camden Coalition. Read More >>
Text message reminders decreased failure to appear in court in New York City
Researchers partnered with policymakers in New York City to evaluate the impacts of a redesigned court summons form and text message reminders on failure to appear in court. Text message reminders reduced court nonappearance by 26 percent, translating to 3,700 fewer arrest warrants per year. Read More >>
The Impact of Poverty Reduction Among New Mothers on Child Brain Development in the United States
In the Baby’s First Years study, researchers found that providing monthly cash payments to families experiencing poverty positively impacted infant brain activity. Prior to this randomized evaluation, research in both social science and neuroscience theorized about the impact of poverty on child development, but evidence was scarce on developmental outcomes for children under the age of three. Read More >>
The Transformative Potential of Tutoring for Pre K-12 Learning
J-PAL North America conducted an evidence review of 96 randomized evaluations of high-dosage tutoring programs. The review demonstrated that tutoring is consistently effective and identified specific program components that drive maximum impact. This evidence informed efforts to accelerate learning at both state and national levels. Read More >>
Sectoral Employment Programs as a Path to Quality Jobs
J-PAL North America’s Sectoral Employment Evidence Review draws key lessons from randomized evaluations of sectoral employment programs and describes the mechanisms behind their success. This analysis finds that sectoral employment programs generate impressive positive impacts on worker employment and earnings, with the effects largely driven by workers gaining access to higher-wage and higher-quality jobs, and that a specific set of key program components contribute to the most impactful programs. Read More >>