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Improving Preschool Quality in Colombia

Alison Andrew
Lina Cardona-Sosa
Sonya Krutikova
Marta Rubio-Codina
Researchers evaluated two approaches to improving the quality of Colombian preschools. Providing additional resources to preschools for materials and new staff did not benefit children’s development and, unintentionally, led teachers to reduce their involvement in classroom activities. However, the...

Boosting Firms’ Productivity in Mexico with Consulting Services

In Mexico, researchers are testing whether this lagging productivity could be due to lower managerial capacity. They found that providing subsidized managerial consulting to Mexican SMEs boosted their productivity and hiring.

Scripted Teacher Lessons on Student Learning in Chile

Researchers partnered with the Chilean Ministry of Education to evaluate the impact of pre-packaged classroom materials and standardized directions for teachers on teaching quality and student learning. The program improved student learning outcomes substantially, with equal benefits for both boys...

Text Messages and Reminders to Save in Ecuador

Miguel Paredes
Dylan Ramshaw
Working with a microfinance institution in Ecuador, researchers investigated whether providing timely reminders to save via text message can help people save more.