

Browse news articles about J-PAL and our affiliated professors, and read our press releases and monthly global and research newsletters. For media inquiries, please email us.

Disseminating Innovative Resources and Technologies to Smallholders in Ghana (DIRTS)

Mathias Fosu
Shashidhara Kolavalli
Building on that evidence, researchers evaluated the impact of access to rainfall insurance either coupled with or compared to tailored extension advice, weather forecasts, and improved access to inputs on intensity of land cultivation and earnings for farmers. Preliminary results show that farmers...

Celebrity Twitter endorsement for an immunization public health campaign in Indonesia

Vivi Alatas
Markus Mobius
Cindy Paladines
Researchers conducted a randomized evaluation on measuring the impact of celebrity Twitter endorsement for a child immunization campaign on the public’s opinion and behavior towards immunization. Celebrity endorsement increased Twitter engagement with the immunization campaign, primarily when...

Personalized Pathways to Successful Community College Transfer: Leveraging machine learning strategies to customized transfer guidance and support

Researchers are designing and evaluating the impact of a program that provides personalized guidance, reminders, and information to community college students on four-year institution transfer rates in Virginia.

The Impact of a Women-Specific Credit Scoring Model on Women’s Access to Credit in the Dominican Republic

Laura Chioda
Researchers are partnering with a bank and a mobile money operator in the Dominican Republic to evaluate the impact of credit scoring models designed specifically for women on access to credit.

High Hopes: Saving for High School with a Mobile-Money Lock-Box in Kenya

In Kenya, researchers partnered with a telecom operator to evaluate the impact of a commitment savings account, called the “High Hopes” Lock-Savings Account, on account usage, savings and loans, and school enrollment. The study found that many parents used the accounts–usage rates increased by about...