Invited Researchers

Invited researchers are an important element of J-PAL’s effort to increase the number of high-quality randomized evaluations providing actionable insights on the most effective approaches to reduce poverty and improve lives worldwide. The more than 550 invited researchers in the J-PAL network are eligible to apply for funding from J-PAL or work with a J-PAL regional office to implement their evaluation. 

Learn more about invited researchers

Like J-PAL affiliated professors, invited researchers are also professors based at academic institutions where freedom to publish results is protected. Invited researchers typically have less experience than affiliated professors in carrying out randomized evaluations. By joining J-PAL as an invited researcher, they become eligible for a three-year term to apply for funding from a specific J-PAL initiative(s) or to work with a specific J-PAL regional office to implement their research project, opening doors to gaining this experience—often in partnership with a J-PAL affiliated professor. 

We seek to recruit invited researchers from universities around the world, with particular emphasis on individuals from or based in a low- or middle-income country. In expanding our invited researcher program, we seek to build diverse networks of researchers around the world who are carrying out randomized evaluations, crowd in subject-matter expertise to J-PAL initiatives, and help researchers strengthen their research portfolio and advance their careers. 

Some invited researchers previously served as post-doctoral associates with J-PAL or members of our affiliate network, or participated in one of J-PAL’s Regional Scholars programs. Many invited researchers go on to become J-PAL affiliated professors; in 2022, 92% of our new affiliates were previously invited researchers.

Invited researcher criteria

Invited researchers typically have less experience carrying out randomized evaluations than affiliates and are invited to either a specific J-PAL initiative(s) or a specific J-PAL regional office. Invited researchers to a J-PAL initiative are eligible to apply for funding from that initiative. Invited researchers to a J-PAL regional office are eligible to contract with that regional office to carry out field research.

Like J-PAL affiliates, invited researchers should be currently affiliated with a university or its equivalent, where academic freedom to publish results is protected, either as a professor or as a principal investigator. Researchers working at funding and implementing organizations (e.g. the World Bank, ADB or IDB) are not eligible to become invited researchers because of potential conflicts. 

Due to limits on research funding and staff capacity, we can only add a limited number of researchers to each initiative or office every year. Eligible invited researchers are identified through an extensive annual centralized search process, nominated quarterly by initiative co-chairs or regional scientific directors, or through an annual self-nomination process (see below). Final selections are made by a committee of J-PAL affiliates.

Self-nomination form

The 2024 self-nomination application to become a J-PAL invited researcher is closed as of August 1, 2024. Applications are under review by J-PAL’s Invited Researcher Selection Committee, and decision notifications will be sent to applicants by late November 2024.

Future applicants: Please check back at this page for information on the 2025 self-nomination period. To be eligible for consideration as a J-PAL invited researcher, researchers must meet the criteria noted above, and must provide the following as part of their self-nomination:

  • CV
  • Two publications in peer-reviewed journals
  • Proof of PhD degree in economics or related quantitative discipline
  • Proof of affiliation to and independent PI status at a university
  • Brief personal statement detailing training, experience running RCTs or interest in doing so in the future, and research interests
  • A reference letter from a J-PAL affiliate, your department chair, or another senior academic

Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Additional information on active Invited Researchers' eligibility

Use the filters below to identify all active Invited Researchers that are associated with each J-PAL initiative and regional office. Alternatively, download this PDF listing all Invited Researchers are their eligible initiatives and regional offices.

All invited researchers are eligible for the following initiatives and regional offices:

  • Agricultural Technology Adoption Initiative (ATAI)
  • Crime and Violence Initiative (CVI)
  • Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative (DAISI)
  • Digital Identification and Finance Initiative (DigiFI)
  • Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI)
  • European Social Inclusion Initiative (ESII)
  • Gender and Economic Agency Initiative (GEA)
  • Governance Initiative (GI)
  • Humanitarian Protection Initiative (HPI)
  • Innovation In Government Initiative (IGI)
  • Jobs and Opportunity Initiative Brazil (JOI BR)
  • Jobs and Opportunity Initiative Global (JOI GL)
  • Learning for All Initiative (LAI)
  • Science for Progress Initiative (SfPI)
  • J-PAL Africa
  • J-PAL Europe
  • J-PAL Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
  • J-PAL South Asia

Please note that when a researcher is eligible to work with a regional office, they are eligible for all of the initiatives housed at that office.

Explore Invited Researchers

CarlyWill Sloan

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
United States Military Academy (USMA)

Mario Luis Small

J-PAL title
Professor of Social Science
Organization Name
columbia University

Eswaran Somanathan

J-PAL title
Organization Name
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Delhi

Elizabeth Spelke

J-PAL title
Organization Name
Harvard University

Carolyn Stein

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of California, Berkeley

Janina Steinert

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of Oxford

Paula Stephan

J-PAL title
Professor Emerita of Economics, Georgia State University; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
Organization Name
Georgia State University

Olivier Sterck

J-PAL title
Associate Professor
Organization Name
University of Antwerp

Munshi Sulaiman

J-PAL title
Senior Research Fellow & Head, Economic Growth Cluster
Organization Name
BRAC University

Maria Micaela Sviatschi

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
Princeton University

Shailender Swaminathan

J-PAL title
Organization Name
Krea University

Justin Sydnor

J-PAL title
Associate Professor-Risk and Insurance
Organization Name
Wisconsin School of Business

Marco Tabellini

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
Harvard Business School (HBS)

Sarah Tahamont

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of Maryland, College Park

Jorge Tamayo

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
Harvard Business School (HBS)

Mari Tanaka

J-PAL title
Associate Professor
Organization Name
Hitotsubashi University

Pragya Taneja

Organization Name
J-PAL Africa - Duplicate

Daniel (Danny) Tannenbaum

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of Nebraska

Sarah Taubman

J-PAL title
Research Fellow
Organization Name
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Eric Taylor

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
Harvard Graduate School of Education (GSE)

Jonathan Tebes

J-PAL title
Assistant Research Professor
Organization Name
University of Notre Dame

Rafael M. Di Tella

J-PAL title
Professor of Business Administration
Organization Name
Harvard Business School (HBS)

Alex Teytelboym

J-PAL title
Associate Professor of Economics
Organization Name
University of Oxford

Alex Teytelboym

Organization Name
Oxford University Economics Department

Caroline Theoharides

J-PAL title
Associate Professor of Economics
Organization Name
Amherst College

Emilia Tjernstrom

J-PAL title
Senior Research Fellow
Organization Name
Monash University

Santiago Tobón

J-PAL title
Professor of Economics
Organization Name
Universidad EAFIT

Russell Toth

J-PAL title
Senior Lecturer in Economics
Organization Name
University of Sydney

Christian Traxler

J-PAL title
Professor of Economics
Organization Name
Hertie School of Governance

Ugo Troiano

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor of Economics
Organization Name
University of California, Riverside

Francesca Truffa

J-PAL title
Postdoctoral Fellow
Organization Name
Stanford Graduate School of Business

Nick Tsivanidis

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of California, Berkeley

Patrick Turner

J-PAL title
Research Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of Notre Dame

Sarah Turner

J-PAL title
Professor of Economics and Education
Organization Name
University of Virginia

Gabriel Ulyssea

J-PAL title
Associate Professor
Organization Name
University College London (UCL)

Raimundo Undurraga

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
Universidad de Chile

Burak Uras

J-PAL title
Associate Professor of Economics
Organization Name
Williams College

Martin Valdivia

J-PAL title
Organization Name
Grupo de Analisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)

Winnie van Dijk

J-PAL title
Postdoctoral Fellow
Organization Name
Harvard University

Clémentine Van Effenterre

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of Toronto

Clémentine Van Effenterre

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of Toronto

John Van Reenen

J-PAL title
Professor of Applied Economics
Organization Name
MIT Sloan School of Management

Daan van Soest

J-PAL title
Organization Name
Tilburg University

Juan Vargas

J-PAL title
Profesor Facultad de Economia
Organization Name
Universidad del Rosario

Mateo Vasquez Cortes

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name

Andrea Velasquez

J-PAL title
Assistant Professor
Organization Name
University of Colorado Denver

Pedro Vicente

J-PAL title
Full Professor in Economics
Organization Name
Nova School of Business and Economics

Jacob Vigdor

J-PAL title
Organization Name
University of Washington (UW)