Elevating Employment Success: Empowering Puerto Rico’s American Job Centers with Innovative Job Search Strategies

We propose an intervention to enhance the efficacy of American Job Centers (AJCs) by focusing on elevating the quality of case management and job search services. Prior work facilitated by a SLII grant has identified this strategy as the most promising approach to help job seekers in Puerto Rico. The plan involves selecting and contracting an external provider of job search and support services from a pool of nationally recognized organizations. The selected provider will offer a comprehensive range of intensive and individualized job search assistance, along with career navigator support. Treatment will be randomized. This initiative is designed to benefit eligible Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) participants who are transitioning out of various programs, namely Adults, Youth, Dislocated Workers, and Wagner-Peyser Employment Services. The primary focus of the evaluation will be on assessing the labor market outcomes of these individuals, including their employment status and compensation during the 2nd, 4th, and 8th quarters after receiving treatment. By prioritizing the quality of case management and job search services, it is anticipated that individuals will experience improved agency and job market opportunities.

RFP Cycle:
SLII Off Cycle [2024]
Puerto Rico
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