
We host events around the world and online to share results and policy lessons from randomized evaluations, build new partnerships between researchers and practitioners, and train organizations on how to design and conduct randomized evaluations.

Upcoming Events

Woman studying during the 2023 Summer School
Workshop or Training

Ecole d’été 2024: Méthodologies du Développement

Rabat, Maroc
Dans le cadre de la Chaire «Méthodologies du Développement» d’Abhijit Banerjee et Esther Duflo, une école d’été pour chercheurs et porteurs de projets africains sera organisée du 1 au 4 juillet 2024 à Rabat, sur le campus de l’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P).
A woman works on her laptop in an office setting in Uganda.

J-PAL Africa Conducting Experimental Research Course

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
This five-day academic workshop on conducting randomized evaluations aims to strengthen the knowledge and further develop the good practices of participants who are already well-versed in the methodological foundations of impact evaluations.
J-PAL and IPA Humanitarian Incubator Photo
Workshop or Training

Humanitarian Action Research Incubator in Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, Egypt
J-PAL and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) are pleased to announce that applications are now open for a three-day randomized evaluation design workshop as part of the Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI) and ongoing work to improve humanitarian protection programs to develop projects in the...
A man installs a solar panel on a rooftop on a sunny day.

J-PAL North America Evidence for Climate Action Convening

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Join J-PAL North America as we connect state and local climate leaders, government associations, and academic researchers from across the country to advance evidence for climate action. During our July convening, participants will share opportunities and develop strategies for researcher-government...
Group photo of 2023 ESP participants in Johannesburg

J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course

Hosted by:
Accra, Ghana
The J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations and pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation.

Past Events

Two students sitting at separate desks with laptops in a classroom.

DEDP Webinar: Your path to a credential in the MITx MicroMasters® Program

Live via Zoom
Join us for a 60-minute webinar about the MicroMasters® program in Data, Economics, and Development Policy (DEDP) to learn more about the program and ask questions in a live Q&A session!
Madhya Pradesh_Women's Help Desks_Intervention in progress _officer hearing out a complainant in Morena district.jpg(941.18 KB)

How Can Police Serve Women Better: Evidence on Gender-Sensitive Police Reforms in Madhya Pradesh

to (6:30 to 8:15am EST)
Live via Zoom
Through this exclusive webinar, hosted by the Alliance for Scaling Policy Impact through Research and Evidence (ASPIRE) under J-PAL’s Crime, Violence, and Conflict sector, speakers explored complex policy questions at the intersection of police reforms, gender equity, and criminal justice in India.
Three Egyptian Kids Smiling in Park

Global Evidence for Egypt Conference: Using Evidence to Inform Decision-Making

to (5:30 to 10:30am EST)
Moataz AlAlfi Hall, AUC New Cairo
Audience J-PAL event
Workshop or Training

J-PAL LAC/UC Chile: Diplomado en Evaluación de Impacto de Programas y Políticas Públicas

Zoom (clases sincrónicas)
Este Diplomado tiene por objetivo dotar de los conocimientos necesarios para diseñar, implementar y ser contraparte de evaluaciones de impacto de programas sociales y políticas públicas. Al finalizar el diplomado, los y las estudiantes serán capaces de utilizar una metodología rigurosa cuya...
Photo of three male students in classroom doing school work

DEDP Webinar: Pathways to a master’s in Africa

Live via Zoom
This webinar will go over how the Data, Economics, and Development Policy MicroMaster credential can accelerate pursuit of a master's degree at some of our pathway universities in Africa. We will be joined by Laweh Open University College and Johannesburg Business School.
J-PAL staff 2022

J-PAL Policy Recruitment 2023

Live via Zoom
J-PAL Global is excited to launch our annual recruitment drive for (Senior) Policy Associates to contribute to its mission of promoting evidence-informed policy. The 2023 Recruitment Webinar will introduce J-PAL’s mission, the work that we do, and provide an overview of the (Senior) Policy Associate...
female worker operating industrial machine

Webinar sobre Políticas do Mercado de Trabalho: Qualificação Profissional

to (12:00 to 1:15pm EST)
Ao vivo via Zoom
Você gostaria de conhecer o que dizem as evidências científicas mais recentes sobre programas de Qualificação de Profissional na América Latina? Gostaria de entender quais são os mecanismos apontados pela literatura que impulsionam a renda e a empregabilidade? Inscreva-se no “Webinar sobre Políticas...