

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

The Impact of Emergency Rental Assistance on Housing Stability during Covid-19 in the United States

Researchers leveraged existing randomization to evaluate the impact of ERA programs during the pandemic in four urban areas in the United States on measures of housing stability, financial security, and mental health. Receipt of rental assistance increased rent payment in the short term and modestly...

Community Based Rangeland Management in Namibia

David Coppock
Luke Crowley
Susan Durham
Dylan Groves
Brien Norton
R. Douglas Ramsey
In Namibia, researchers measured the impact of a community-based natural resource management program on livestock assets, income, social cohesion, and land quality. Community-based rangeland management improved rangeland grazing management, community governance of the rangelands, and farmer...

Demand for Rainwater Harvesting Devices in Uganda

In Uganda, researchers studied the demand for rainwater storage devices, the effectiveness of various marketing strategies in promoting them, and their impact on indicators such as school attendance and women’s participation in the labor market.

Isolating the effects of personalization in a targeted instruction program in India

Are the effects of targeted instruction programs—such as Teaching at the Right Level or Computer Adaptive Learning (CAL) software—indeed driven by personalization? In partnership with an education assessment firm, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to isolate the impact of computer-based...

La participación de los padres en la educación de sus hijos en Chile

¿Puede un programa multi-dimensional mejorar la participación de los padres y los resultados de los estudiantes? Un programa implementado en escuelas primarias públicas de escasos recursos condujo a aumentar la participación parental y mejorar las relaciones entre padres, estudiantes y profesores.