

Noticias, ideas y análisis del equipo de J-PAL y profesores afiliados. Subscríbete a nuestra lista para recibir emails mensuales con actualizaciones.

A doctor sits at a computer looking at a chart on a clipboard

Building research partnerships to address the opioid crisis in Minnesota

Adam Sacarny (Columbia University) and Weston Merrick from the Minnesota Management and Budget share insights on the process of launching a randomized evaluation of the state’s prescription monitoring program (PMP). The ongoing study seeks to evaluate the impact of sending informational letters on...
Seema Jayachandrani sits on a wooden bench outside and smiles at the camera.

Affiliate Spotlight: Seema Jayachandran on deforestation, corruption, and the roots of gender inequality

  • Douglas Clement
  • Anjali Nair
Seema Jayachandran (Northwestern University) discusses wide-ranging research in the developing world and insights gained into gender parity, economic growth, and pandemic impact in poor nations.
A young girl wearing headphones sits in front of a laptop with notebooks beside her

Q&A con la afiliada Michela Carlana, sobre un programa de tutorías en línea para abordar las desigualdades educacionales causadas por el Covid-19

Tras el cambio a la educación en línea en las escuelas italianas en marzo de 2020, las afiliadas a J-PAL Michela Carlana (Universidad de Harvard) y Eliana La Ferrara (Universidad de Bocconi) lanzaron rápidamente un programa de tutoría en línea para ayudar a estudiantes de entornos desfavorecidos que...
A group of people participating in an impact evaluation training discuss lessons while sitting at a table.

J-PAL South Asia launches Indian Scholars Program to strengthen ties with India-based researchers

J-PAL South Asia’s new Indian Scholars Program (ISP) will provide research funding, training, and networking opportunities for researchers and academics in India to further expand its network of researchers leading rigorous, policy-relevant randomized evaluations in the country.
Two police officers in riot gear look at a protester wearing shield that says "Paz"

How can RCTs help us reduce violence and conflict? 2021 update

The Governance, Crime, and Conflict Initiative seeks to expand the evidence base on effective conflict and violence prevention programs. Read about our efforts to summarize what we're learning in the new edition of the GCCI Evidence Wrap-up.
Women in Debanandapur, West Bengal, India sitting on the ground while sewing and ironing garments.

Training gender practitioners in South Asia in strategies to measure gender outcomes

The Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results, hosted at J-PAL South Asia, conducted a five-day online workshop on Applying a Gender Lens to Program Evaluation in February 2021. This workshop covered content on the measurement of gender outcomes, such as gender norms, agency, attitudes...
A woman sitting at a sewing desk smiles at the camera while cutting cloth with scissors

Growing the research agenda on women’s work

Through the Gender and Economic Agency Initiative (GEA), J-PAL is catalyzing a new body of innovative research on women’s work to support policymakers in implementing policies to support working women during and after the pandemic. GEA is now expanding our research portfolio with support from the...
A woman wearing scrubs and a mask speaks to an elderly person

Reflecting on the benefits of evaluating a health care delivery program: A recap from the HCDI @ 8 Convening

This spring, the US Health Care Delivery Initiative (HCDI) hosted its second convening, HCDI @ 8. We reflect on these discussions, highlighting why an organization may want to evaluate their program with a randomized evaluation.