

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

A woman sitting at a sewing desk smiles at the camera while cutting cloth with scissors

Growing the research agenda on women’s work

Through the Gender and Economic Agency Initiative (GEA), J-PAL is catalyzing a new body of innovative research on women’s work to support policymakers in implementing policies to support working women during and after the pandemic. GEA is now expanding our research portfolio with support from the...
Workers in construction helmets stand around a stack of boxes.

J-PAL LAC traz a Iniciativa de Empregos e Oportunidades ao Brasil

A crise da Covid-19 exacerba os desafios do mercado de trabalho no Brasil. Mais do que nunca, precisamos desenvolver soluções de política pública efetivas e baseadas em evidências. Em parceria com a Fundação Arymax, a B3 Social, a Potencia Ventures e o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, o J...
Workers in construction helmets stand around a stack of boxes.

J-PAL LAC brings the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative to Brazil

The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated labor market challenges in Brazil. More so than ever, we need evidence-based solutions. With support from Fundação Arymax, B3 Social, Potencia Ventures, and the Inter-American Development Bank, J-PAL is bringing the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative (JOI Brazil) to...
Ryan Cooper lectures at a podium.

Alumni Voices from Government: Ryan Cooper ‘14, Experimental Policy Initiative, Budget Office of Chile

Formerly the executive director of J-PAL LAC, Ryan Cooper '14 now leads the Experimental Policy Initiative within Chile's Budget Office. He describes his journey from J-PAL to government in this Q&A.
A woman wearing a mask weighs bread in a store

Mapping the impact of COVID-19 on firms in LMICs: A snapshot from ongoing surveys

To understand how the pandemic has altered the business landscape in LMICs, J-PAL’s Firms Sector is synthesizing results from surveys conducted by J-PAL affiliates and invited researchers on the impact of COVID-19 on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) around the world. This snapshot...
Cardboard boxes filled with paper files

Pandemic provides unprecedented opportunities to take justice online

  • Joyce Sadka
  • Isabel Mejía Fontanot
Labor courts in Mexico and many other low- and middle-income countries often provide low quality services. Since 2015, we have partnered with the Mexico City Labor Court, one of the largest courts dealing with firing cases in Latin America, to innovate in improving the court’s functioning.
Headshot of a woman

Amanda Dawes Ibáñez, J-PAL ‘14, is at the nexus of research and policy design

Amanda joined J-PAL LAC during its earliest years and led the development of many foundational research partnerships and projects. Now the head of the social policy division at the Ministry of Social Development in Chile, Amanda is leading an effort to rethink Chile’s social policy ecosystem and...

Measuring the impact of information on mayors' policy decisions: Evidence from Brazil

  • Jonas Hjort
  • Diana Moreira
  • Juan Francisco Santini