

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

A man points to code on a desktop computer with two women

Newly published data on health care hotspotting study underscores the importance of research transparency

The team behind the evaluation on health care hotspotting describes why they prioritized publishing replication data and lessons learned from the process.
Masked students sit at desks in a classroom.

J-PAL South Asia launches ASPIRE with US$6.3 million grant from Veddis Foundation to strengthen the culture of evidence-based policymaking in India

J-PAL South Asia’s efforts to promote policymaking based on scientific evidence and data in India has received a major boost with the launch of the Alliance for Scaling Policy Impact through Research and Evidence (ASPIRE) in partnership with the Veddis Foundation.
An infographic outlines goals of the California Data Strategy.

The road to rigorous evaluation: training partnership builds use of evidence in California

  • Joy Bonaguro
  • Jason Lally
This post shares reflections from Joy Bonaguro, California Statewide Chief Data Officer, and Jason Lally, Deputy Chief Data Officer. In September 2021, CalData and J-PAL North America partnered to provide a training on Designing Rigorous Evaluations of Government Programs to participants from...
Parents help their young baby take her first steps.

Strengthening randomized evaluations with qualitative research: Baby’s First Years household measurement

  • Sarah Halpern-Meekin
  • Jill Hoiting
In this post, researchers from the Baby's First Years study describe what we can gain from triangulating with qualitative and quantitative data on household rosters and how it should encourage us to be cautious in interpreting our results.
Two female vendors sit in front of a shop.

The importance of evidence in promoting the economic agency of women in Central America and Mexico

Globally, women are less likely than men to participate in the labor market (47 percent vs. 72 percent, respectively, as of 2022). In some Latin American countries, such as Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico, participation rates are less than 45 percent. This translates to countless missed...
Large group of people with raised fists

Using interdisciplinary research to combat bias and discrimination

2020 marked a global shift in the public discourse around bias and discrimination. As support for anti-discrimination policies and programs continues to grow worldwide, researchers can play an instrumental role in helping us to understand what policies to combat bias and discrimination are the most...
A group of women and children stand in a group, talking

Seri Blog IFII: Menerapkan lensa gender dalam mengukur dampak layanan keuangan digital terhadap pemberdayaan perempuan

Meski laki-laki dan perempuan di Indonesia memiliki akses yang setara ke layanan keuangan digital atau Digital Financial Service (DFS), hal ini tidak menjamin tingkat penggunaan DFS yang setara antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Artikel sebelumnya di seri blog ini telah membahas bagaimana pentingnya...