

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

Woman in her studio

Improving access to microfinance in Chile: Lessons from a strong collaboration with Fondo Esperanza

For four years, Chilean microfinance institution Fondo Esperanza has strengthened a close collaboration with J-PAL affiliates, Natalia Rigol and Benjamin Roth, and their research team. A recently published working paper has resulted from the fruitful partnership, as well as including new evaluations...
Female worker with helmet and safety vest scanning a box in a factory

JOI Brazil’s first year promoting evidence generation and use within Brazilian labor markets

The Jobs and Opportunity Initiative in Brazil (JOI Brazil) celebrated one year of working to promote the generation and use of evidence within the Brazilian labor markets. The celebration of its first anniversary and the commemoration of the International Workers' Day helped the is an opportune time...
Mujer con hijo en su espalda asiste a hospital

The effect of cash transfers on women's well-being: Lessons from evidence in Latin America

There is no consensus on the effects of cash transfers on women's lives, especially regarding empowerment and violence perpetrated by their intimate partners. This blog post reviews existing evidence from Latin America and draws lessons for policymakers on the scope and limits of these programs for...
Public servants from MIMP (Peru) participate in a training by IPA and J-PAL

Joining forces to address gender-based violence in Peru

How can we identify the best strategies to confront gender-based violence? With this question in mind, in 2016 MIMP, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) Peru, and J-PAL LAC launched a collaboration to develop a learning cycle and institutionalization of evidence-informed decision-making in Peru.
Paraguayan saleswoman in front of clothing market

Evidence-informed strategies to support female microentrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean

One in three female workers in Latin America and the Caribbean are self-employed, but female microentrepreneurs encounter numerous unique barriers to running successful businesses that can vary across countries. A growing body of literature suggests that alternative training programs may be more...
A person stands at a protest for women's rights.

Using (and generating) evidence to fight intimate partner violence in Latin America and the Caribbean

Due to the harmful effects of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), it is imperative to modify the interpersonal, social, and institutional factors related to the prevalence and intensity of this problem. This blog post showcases some interventions with potential for positive impacts as a call to...
Podcasters are seen gathered at the Bokolmanyo refugee camp, in Bokolmanyo, Ethiopia. (Photo courtesy Dr Vandana Sharma)

End the pandemic of violence against women

To end violence against women and girls requires effective prevention strategies that target its root causes. Such programs address pervasive inequalities and power differentials—especially gender norms that justify and normalize violence against women and girls.
Two female vendors sit in front of a shop.

The importance of evidence in promoting the economic agency of women in Central America and Mexico

Globally, women are less likely than men to participate in the labor market (47 percent vs. 72 percent, respectively, as of 2022). In some Latin American countries, such as Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico, participation rates are less than 45 percent. This translates to countless missed...