New affiliated professors join J-PAL
J-PAL welcomes three professors to our academic network: Manuel Bagues at Aalto University, Oeindrila Dube at the University of Chicago, and Markus Frölich at the University of Mannheim. Their varied research interests include the determinants of voting behavior, the economics of environmental policy, and post-conflict reconciliation. We are pleased to have them join J-PAL’s network of affiliated professors.
Manuel Bagues is an Associate Professor of Economics at Aalto University. He studies labor economics with focuses on personnel economics, gender economics, and economics of education.
Oeindrila Dube is the Philip K. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies at the University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy. She studies poverty and conflict in the developing world.
Markus Frölich is Professor of Econometrics at the University of Mannheim, Director of the Center for Evaluation and Development (C4ED), and Guest Professor at the University of St. Gallen. His research interests include policy evaluation, microeconometrics, labor economics, and development economics.