Can Transferring Policing Power to Community Members Improve Legal Protection in Papua New Guinea?
Interfirm Relationships and Business Performance in China
Can facilitating relationships between small- and medium-sized businesses help them grow? In Jiangxi Province, China, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to study the impact of business relationships on firm performance. Monthly meetings among firms increased sales, profits, and other business outcomes, mainly by facilitating learning and partnership development.
The Impact of Commitment Contracts on Workplace Productivity in India
SNAP Take-Up Evaluation
Clinical Decision Support for Outpatient High-Cost Radiology Ordering in the United States
Structured Study Time, Self-Efficacy, and Tutoring
Alex Nisichenko
Impact of Financial Control on Women's Labor Supply and Gender Norms in India
Evaluating the Impact of Play-Based Learning on Early Childhood Development in South Africa
In KwaZulu-Natal, researchers are measuring the impact of the Six Bricks program, which promotes structured play using manipulative bricks combined with a set of carefully designed pedagogical activities, on preschoolers' executive function skills.