Moral Incentives to Increase Credit Card Repayment in Indonesia
Improving Preschool Quality in Colombia
Rigorously evaluating Europe’s climate change response
Teacher Training and Entrepreneurship Education: Evidence from a Curriculum Reform in Rwanda
The Degree of Ethnic Bias in Kenya
The Timing and Effectiveness of Subsidies for Agricultural Technology Adoption in Zambia
Roland Rathelot
When do Media Stations Support Political Accountability? A Field Experiment in Mexico
Decentralized Pricing for Public Services: Evidence from Tanzania
Can Transferring Policing Power to Community Members Improve Legal Protection in Papua New Guinea?
Interfirm Relationships and Business Performance in China
Can facilitating relationships between small- and medium-sized businesses help them grow? In Jiangxi Province, China, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to study the impact of business relationships on firm performance. Monthly meetings among firms increased sales, profits, and other business outcomes, mainly by facilitating learning and partnership development.