
Our work would not be possible without the close collaboration and dedication of many partners. Together we are driven by a shared belief in the power of scientific evidence to understand what really works in the fight against poverty.

We work closely with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), a non-profit research organization with programs and offices around the world. Other partners are:

  • Implementing organizations like governments, NGOs, multilateral organizations, and businesses who run programs that our affiliated professors evaluate, use our policy lessons from research, and scale up programs that are proven effective.
  • Donors including foundations and bilateral organizations who provide funding for evaluations, scale-ups, and research initiatives.
  • Research centers and organizations that run the randomized evaluations of our affiliated professors, including the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at the University of California, Berkeley, the Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School, and IFMR Lead.

Apoyo Institute

The Instituto APOYO is a non-profit think tank dedicated to the generation and dissemination of information, ideas, and analysis for the promotion of sustainable economic development, expanding and improving public policy options, strengthening of democracy and advancement of cultural values leading...

Applied Research Programme on Energy and Environment Growth (EEG)

The Applied Research Programme on Energy and Economic Growth (EEG) produces cutting-edge research on the links between energy and economic growth, working closely with policy makers in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to build more sustainable, efficient, reliable and equitable energy systems.

Arcos Dorados Holdings

Arcos Dorados is the world’s largest independent McDonald’s franchisee, operating the largest quick-service restaurant chain in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Company is also committed to the development of the communities in which it operates, to providing young people their first formal job...

Arnold Ventures

Arnold Ventures supports J-PAL North America's US Health Care Delivery Initiative and Innovation Competition, State and Local Innovation Initiative, and Social Policy Research Initiative.

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

ADB is an international development finance institution whose mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. They have worked with J-PAL to implement a commitment savings intervention in the Philippines.

Asian Institute of Management (AIM)

The Asian Institute of Management (AIM) is a graduate school of business and a center of business and management research. It was established in 1968 in partnership with Harvard Business School and the Ford Foundation.

Asociación Arariwa

Arariwa, an NGO committed to rural development in Cusco, has partnered with J-PAL to implement an intervention targeting ultra-poor households that are not currently microfinance beneficiaries, but have the potential to carry out sustainable livelihoods.

Asociacion Dominicana para el Desarrollo de la Mujer (ADOPEM)

ADOPEM is a savings and finance NGO dedicated to relieving poverty in the Dominican Republic.

Asociación Mexicana de Cultura (ITAM)

The founding entity of the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).

Association Actenses

Association Actenses is an organization dedicated to addressing the problems of young people in the labor market by providing mentoring, advocacy, and support.

Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR)

The Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) was established in 1999 by a group of professors from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. In 1999, Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed by them with Delhi High Court asking for [or requesting] the disclosure of the criminal...

Association Nationale des Groupements de Créateurs (ANGC)

The ANGC helps people find employment using an approach based on the idea that everyone has potential, though it may be hidden, which can be revealed through a personal or professional project.

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)

ACORN works with low and moderate income families toward social justice and stronger communities.

Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI)

Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI) Foundation. AVSI Foundation is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, founded in Italy in 1972 and presently active in 39 countries of the world, with more than 100 development cooperation projects.

Association pour Faciliter l'Insertion professionnelle des Jeunes diplômés (AFIJ)

The mission of AFIJ is to facilitate and improve the job market potential of students and young people leaving higher education, graduates or not, and to prepare them to find employment through field activities.

Association Pour Favoriser l’Egalité des Chances à l’Ecole (APFEE)

APFEE works to ensure that every child has access to the path to academic success, regardless of family background or social situation. APFEE is particularly focused on preventing early failures in reading and writing, and the associated social exclusion, through the implementation of the "Coup de...

Association pour le droit à l'initiative économique (ADIE)

ADIE is an association that helps people excluded from the labor market and the traditional banking system to grow their business through microcredit.


Atinchik is a Peruvian consulting firm specializing in innovative methodologies for development and has collaborated with J-PAL to provide business training for the self-employed poor in Peru.

Atlantic Philanthropies

The Atlantic Philanthropies are dedicated to bringing about lasting changes in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people. They have partnered with J-PAL on an evaluation of the Higher Achievement Program in the United States.

Aurora Health Care

Aurora Health Care is an integrated, not-for-profit health care provider serving communities throughout eastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.

Australian Aid Poverty Reduction Support Facility for Indonesia

The Australian Aid Poverty Reduction Support Facility for Indonesia supports the Indonesian National Team for Accelerating Poverty Reduction to increase the rate of poverty reduction and reduce the impact of shocks and stresses on the poor and vulnerable.

Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

The department’s purpose is to help make Australia stronger, safer and more prosperous by promoting and protecting our interests internationally and contributing to global stability and economic growth.