
We host events around the world and online to share results and policy lessons from randomized evaluations, build new partnerships between researchers and practitioners, and train organizations on how to design and conduct randomized evaluations.

Upcoming Events

Photo of three DEDP master's students reviewing an informational pamphlet

Dentro do Programa MITx MicroMasters® em Dados, Economia, e Design de Políticas (DEDP)

to (1:00 to 2:00pm EST)
Live via Zoom
O próximo período do Programa MITx MicroMasters® em Dados, Economia e Elaboração de Políticas está se aproximando rapidamente! Junte-se à equipe do curso DEDP em um webinário para saber mais sobre o programa e ter suas perguntas respondidas ao vivo. Uma gravação do evento será enviada a todos os...
Implementing partners discussing around a table
Workshop or Training

Humanitarian Action and Displacement Response Research Incubator in Manila, Philippines

Manila, Philippines
Applications are now open for a four-day randomized evaluation design workshop as part of the Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI) and the Humanitarian Protection Initiative (HPI) to develop projects in the Sub-Saharan Africa organised by J-PAL and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA).

Past Events

Workshop or Training

J-PAL State and Local Innovation Initiative – Year 1 Participant Conference

Cambridge, MA and live stream
State and local government leaders, leading scholars, and social service providers gathered in Cambridge to share their first-hand experiences of overcoming practical and political challenges to evaluating government programs, with a focus on crime and violence prevention, maternal and child health...
Workshop or Training

State and Local Innovation Initiative Webinar

Hosted by:
The J-PAL State and Local Innovation Initiative supports US state and local leaders in using randomized evaluations to generate new and widely applicable lessons about which programs work, which work best, and why. On Thursday, December 8th at 1:00pm Eastern, J-PAL North America hosted a webinar to...
Panel of five speakers at the event

What Have We Learned? Improving Development Policy Through Impact Evaluation

Washington, DC
On December 6, J-PAL and the Center for Global Development (CGD) will host an event to take stock of the evidence and impact evaluation movement and its promise for improving social policy in developing countries. Join the live stream.

Innovative Health Care Delivery to Reduce Poverty Conference

Cambridge, MA
At this two-day conference in Cambridge, health care experts and practitioners explored opportunities for research, innovation, and evidence-informed policymaking to address a range of national health care challenges.
Polling location with privacy screen reading "Vote"

The Science (and Pseudoscience) of Winning Elections

MIT 54-100 or webcast live
Just six days away from the final vote in a sensational election, J-PAL is excited to host Dr. Donald Green to dig in to what we know about how political campaigns mobilize and persuade voters. His talk will focus particularly on how randomized evaluations have transformed the way campaigns operate.
Smiling woman looks at child's school work

Measurement for Action

Cambridge, MA, USA or online
J-PAL hosted the second talk of its lecture series at MIT, D²P²: Data. Decisions. Public Policy. Dr. Rukmini Banerji (CEO of Pratham) discussed her work with the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) and how the massive citizen-led assessment of children’s learning has led to a national debate...
Workshop or Training

J-PAL Europe Executive Education Course 2016, Mannheim

Mannheim, Germany
J-PAL Europe is organizing a five-day course, in English, led by affiliated professors from J-PAL, that will teach participants how to measure the effects of poverty programs scientifically and help shape better policies through the use of randomized evaluations.