Mireille Maher

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa
Mireille is currently working on the impact evaluation of the targeting the ultra-poor (TUP) project which is a replication of the BRAC graduation approach. Moreover, she is working on evaluating the impact of the female nursing training program which consists of providing training for young females in southern Egypt to become nurses. This RCT aims to investigate the direct effect on the treated applicants and the indirect effect on their social network.
Prior to joining J-PAL in 2021, she worked as a part time teaching assistant for the advanced microeconomics and the econometrics courses at the faculty of economics and political science at Cairo university. Moreover, she worked as a financial crime risk analyst at HSBC global service center.
Mireille holds a master’s degree in economic development from Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne university and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the faculty of economics and political science French section at Cairo university. She has been awarded the erasmus scholarship for an undergraduate exchange program to spend a semester abroad in Paris to study at Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne university.