Varsha Hari Prasad

Headshot of Varsha Hari Prasad

Senior Evidence to Scale Associate, J-PAL Global

Varsha is a Senior Associate at J-PAL Global, where she works in the Evidence to Scale (E2S) vertical and manages the Innovation in Government Initiative. Her responsibilities include supporting scale funding, collaborating with policymakers and practitioners to use evidence and adopt evidence-based interventions at scale, and working with J-PAL's regional offices to consolidate organizational learnings on E2S themes.

Prior to joining J-PAL in 2024, Varsha worked in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) unit at Pratham Education Foundation in India, where she led the design and implementation of M&E systems and supported RCTs and scale-up pilots for early childhood interventions. While pursuing her graduate degree, Varsha worked at Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator in South Africa, where she conducted research on the employment transitions of young work seekers to understand structural barriers to labor market participation and progression. Varsha also spent her early career at a multinational restaurants company based in Singapore, where she gained extensive experience in data analytics and market research.

She holds a Master in Public Administration in International Development from the Harvard Kennedy School and a Bachelor of Business Management from Singapore Management University.