
Our work would not be possible without the close collaboration and dedication of many partners. Together we are driven by a shared belief in the power of scientific evidence to understand what really works in the fight against poverty.

We work closely with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), a non-profit research organization with programs and offices around the world. Other partners are:

  • Implementing organizations like governments, NGOs, multilateral organizations, and businesses who run programs that our affiliated professors evaluate, use our policy lessons from research, and scale up programs that are proven effective.
  • Donors including foundations and bilateral organizations who provide funding for evaluations, scale-ups, and research initiatives.
  • Research centers and organizations that run the randomized evaluations of our affiliated professors, including the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at the University of California, Berkeley, the Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School, and IFMR Lead.

El Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (INADEM)

National Institute of the Entrepreneur (INADEM in Spanish) is a department of Mexico's Secretary of the Economy that encourages and supports entrepreneurs and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. INADEM established the High Impact Entrepreneurship Program (HIEP), which supports innovative SMEs...

El Paso Corporation

El Paso Corporation was a leading provider of natural gas and energy products in North America until it was acquired by Kinder Morgan in 2012.


Elance-oDesk, is a global freelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate remotely. In 2015, Elance-oDesk was rebranded as Upwork.

Empirical Studies of Conflict (ESOC)

Based at Princeton University, the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project (ESOC) identifies, compiles, and analyzes micro-level conflict data and information on insurgency, civil war, and other sources of politically motivated violence worldwide. ESOC empowers the nation’s best minds with the quality...


Enabel, formerly the Belgian Development Agency, mobilizes its resources and its expertise to eliminate poverty in the world. Enabel collaborated with J-PAL affiliates on a health evaluation in Rwanda.

Endeavor Colombia

Endeavor Colombia is a branch of Endeavor Global, a non-profit organization that aims to identify and support those entrepreneurs with the greatest potential for impact. Endeavor Colombia was founded in September of 2006.

Énergie Jeunes

The mission of Énergie Jeunes (or Young Energy) is to improve high school retention in low-income neighborhoods by building students' self-discipline.

Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC)

The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) contributes solutions using a unique approach that translates cutting-edge research into real-world impacts through strategic outreach, and training for the next generation of global energy leaders.

Enseña Chile

Similar to Teach for America and Teach First in the USA and UK, Enseña Chile's mission is to provide quality education for all children in Chile by sending qualified young professionals into classrooms to teach and help improve education systems.

Equity Bank

Equity Bank is the largest bank in the region in terms of customer base and operates in Uganda and Southern Sudan. Equity Bank offers inclusive, customer focused financial services that aim to socially and economically empower clients and other stakeholders.

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP)

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP), the National School of Public Administration in Brazil, is partnering with J-PAL on a Portuguese version of an online course of evaluating social programs.

Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI)

The primary mission of EDRI is to conduct research on the development of the Ethiopian economy and disseminate the results.

Ethiopian Economics Association

The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) has actively engaged in Economic research, training, organization of International and National conferences and round table discussions on the Ethiopian economy and the dissemination of the results of these activities through its professional journals and...

Ethiopian Public Health Institute

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) is the result of the merger in April 1995 of the former National Research Institute of Health (NRIH), the Ethiopian Nutrition Institute (ENI) and the Department of Traditional medicine (DTM) of the Ministry of Health.

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development investigates human development throughout the entire life process, focusing on understanding developmental disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), and illuminating important events...

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was founded in 1991 to create a new post-Cold War era in central and eastern Europe, furthering progress towards ‘market-oriented economies and the promotion of private and entrepreneurial initiative’.

European Comission

The European Commission is the EU's executive body. It represents the interests of the European Union as a whole (not the interests of individual countries).

European Commission Joint Research Center

As the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. Its work has a direct impact on the lives of citizens by contributing with its research...