Session 3 - Teacher Performance Measurement and Management

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There is not one, proven method to improve teacher accountability and performance. However, within specific methods, we can offer some concrete recommendations: 
  • Incentivizing teachers can be very effective at increasing attendance and/or improving student learning levels. 
  • Even very small financial incentives can lead to significant improvements in learning outcomes. 
  • If incentives are tied to student learning outcomes, the tests must measure the ability to apply knowledge rather than simply rote learning. 
  • Objectively administered and direct incentives are the most effective. Supervisors should not be given discretion over administering the incentives. The program manager need to be invested in the incentive scheme, and must have proper training and credible authority. 
  • Community monitoring can be used to hold teachers accountable, but it is most effective when people are given specific tasks and training, and when they feel they have the ability and a clear avenue to affect change.

Room for Innovation
  • How can incentive schemes be structured to most effectively improve overall teacher performance (and not just increase test preparation), so as to most effectively improve student learning outcomes? 
  • How can incentives be integrated into the government school system in the face of political and administrative hurdles? 
  • Recent evidence suggests that state governments’ current monitoring and supervision activities can reduce teacher absenteeism at a relatively low cost if consistently implemented; what is the most efficient means of enforcing basic compliance? What frequency of monitoring visits is most effective? 
  • Can incentives be used to increase teachers’ commitment and passion for teaching in the long run? 
  • What combinations of positive and negative incentives for teachers are most effective at improving learning levels? 
  • Can incentives for students improve teacher attendance and performance? 
  • How can technology (e.g. cameras, SMS, fingerprinting, etc.) be used to increase accountability in a low-cost and scalable way?

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