RMS Testimonials

Matthew Notowidigdo

"The J-PAL team supported us by providing exceptional project management. This support helped us work effectively as a team to design and launch our pilot study. There are many lessons from the pilot study that we've carried over to our other projects, particularly regarding survey design and using incentives to increase survey response rates."

Matt Noto headshot

— Matthew Notowidigdo, Scientific Director, J-PAL North America, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Adam Sacarny

"We worked with J-PAL’s RMS team on two RCTs and benefited so much from their support. They took care of the project management so that we could focus on the science. There are so many different, often minor, things that need to get done to make the RCT happen, and J-PAL RMS helped ensure that everything stayed on track."

Adam Sacarny headshot

— Adam Sacarny, J-PAL Affiliated Researcher, Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

Jessica Cohen

"The J-PAL team supported us with study design and survey tool design, and also collected some supplementary data for our project. Their skills, expertise, and partnership were critical in streamlining enrollment, tracking processes, and in piloting and polishing survey tools. The J-PAL team collaborated with us to find the most efficient and effective approaches to enrolling and tracking study participants and to collecting outcome data. We were lucky to have their support."

Jessica Cohen headshot

— Jessica Cohen, J-PAL Affiliated Professor, Bruce A. Beal, Robert L. Beal, and Alexander S. Beal Associate Professor of Global Health, Harvard School of Public Health

Joseph Doyle

"The J-PAL team has deep experience in managing relationships with implementation partners. In my study of a program that provides healthy food to food-insecure patients with diabetes, the team helped us think through describing the research design and overcoming challenges, organizing site visits, and communicating results. This included insights on how to structure the presentations based on previous efforts. It was so helpful to build on that experience rather than re-inventing the wheel."

Jessica Cohen headshot

— Joseph Doyle, J-PAL Affiliated Professor, Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Ingrid Gould Ellen

"The J-PAL team was instrumental in connecting our team to the implementing organizations and helping us build the trust needed to design and launch a study about the impact of providing cash transfers to families exiting homelessness. RMS helped us facilitate initial meetings, negotiate thorny issues, organize site visits, and set the table for a jointly designed intervention that could be rigorously evaluated. We have developed a lasting partnership with our practitioner partners, and it was incredibly helpful to have J-PAL's support."

Rebecca Myerson & Laura Dague

"The J-PAL RMS team was a great asset to our project. The first few months of planning for a new field experiment can require a lot of coordination across different research partners, data vendors, and IT support and they were instrumental in tracking all the next steps and pending decisions. They even prepared visualizations and detailed notes on the project’s data flows that made onboarding new team members a breeze. I highly recommend working with them!"

Sara Hernandez-Saborit

"The J-PAL RMS support was instrumental in launching our project in Puerto Rico. Beyond providing essential operational and logistical assistance, their structured approach set a strong example and hands-on learning experience for our own research manager, who was able to then adopt the best practices modeled by the RMS team—such as maintaining a running document for weekly tasks, setting agendas and summarizing meetings, and keeping our project log updated. Additionally, the J-PAL team played a key role in developing protocols and recommendations for our implementing partner, ensuring a smooth and well-coordinated launch. They led an in-person workshop—¡todo en español!—that brought together the implementing partner, the government agency, and our research team to align expectations, refine the intervention’s design, and underscore the importance of rigorous evaluation and implementation. This level of support was invaluable and it truly strengthened our research-practice partnership."

Daniel Tannenbaum

"The J-PAL team provided excellent support with project management, helping us advance data use agreements with government partners, and assisting with the logistics of the follow-up survey. The J-PAL team created easy-to-follow guides for our partners, helped us incorporate randomized incentives for participants, and set us up for survey monitoring going forward."

Raymond Kluender

"RMS has been an essential partner throughout our project. Their support helped us navigate complex negotiations across data providers and implementing partners, navigate university bureaucracy, and solve logistical implementation challenges. Throughout it all, their project management support ensured we were all reading from the same agenda and understood which tasks were the highest priority. We’re grateful for all of their help!"

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