Request for proposals


The Science for Progress Initiative (SfPI) welcomes off-cycle proposals, which will be reviewed on a rolling basis. See the request for proposals (RFP) below for information on eligibility, proposal guidelines, and the application process. Applications can be submitted via our online portal, foundationConnect. Direct any questions to [email protected].

Research Funding Opportunities

Competitive research funding is available for full RCT evaluation grants with a funding cap of $500,000, pilot study grants with a cap of $75,000, and travel/proposal development grants with a cap of $10,000. Pilot and travel/proposal development grants must plausibly contribute towards an eventual full randomized evaluation. We aim to support proposals that will advance the field of metascience by producing rigorous, quantitative evidence from randomized evaluations on the most effective approaches to funding and supporting scientific endeavors. Given that metascience is a nascent, burgeoning field, we welcome diverse ideas related to these topics.

Submission Instructions

Submissions to the SfPI off-cycle RFP proceed in two stages:
Stage 1: Submit Expression of Interest. 
The required Expression of Interest (EOI) will be used to confirm that the applicant is eligible to apply and that the proposed topic is within scope for SfPI. SfPI staff will aim to review and respond to EOIs within two business days, and information from approved EOIs will automatically be transferred to a full application.

Stage 2: Submit full proposal.
Please follow the next steps outlined in the materials available below to complete your proposal. Proposals will be considered in the order they are received, and we will aim to communicate decisions within 2 weeks of the date of receipt.

foundationConnect Instructions: To apply to SfPI’s off-cycle RFP, you will first need to register via our online portal, foundationConnect. Please navigate to the portal and follow the instructions to complete your registration. If you already have an account but do not remember the password, please contact [email protected] for help retrieving or resetting your password. Our portal works best in the latest version Google Chrome. To request a new account for the J-PAL portal, please complete this form and specify that you want an applicant (“grantee”) account. Account creation normally takes no more than two business days; you will be asked to verify your email address and set a password. For further information and troubleshooting, please get in touch with [email protected]. Your J-PAL portal account credentials will allow you to apply to or review for any J-PAL initiative. Please verify your eligibility by thoroughly reading SfPI’s RFP overview. Ineligible applicants will be notified during EOI reviews and will not be invited to submit proposals.

Supporting Materials

1. Request for Proposals (RFP) 

SfPI Request for Proposal (RFP)

2. Proposal Guidelines

Proposal Guidelines: RCTs

Proposal Guidelines: Pilot Studies

Proposal Guidelines: Travel/Proposal Development Grant

RMS Questionnaire Form

3. Budget Templates

RCT/Pilot Budget Template

Proposal Development/Travel Grant Budget Template

Basic Cost Collection Template

4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How will my proposal be scored? And when will I know whether my proposal was selected for funding?
Please see SfPI’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the Conflict of Interest Policy for answers.
What will be required of researchers (and the institution to receive the award) should we be selected for funding (in terms of reporting, deliverables, etc.)?
Please see the Award Requirements and Set Up Process for answers.
I’m a PhD student advised by a J-PAL affiliate or invited researcher. What else do I need to know to apply?
Please see the SOPs for answers.