Health Care Delivery Partnership Development Conference 2014

Hosted by J-PAL North America's Health Care Delivery Initiative (HCDI)

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About our initiative J-PAL North America’s Health Care Delivery Initiative (HCDI) aims to generate rigorous evidence on how to make health care delivery more efficient and more effective. Specifically, HCDI supports randomized impact evaluations that can provide valuable insights for learning which policies and programs work to improve health care delivery and why.

Purpose of the conference The HCDI Partnership Development Conference, held this October in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is designed to forge partnerships between researchers and practitioners working in the field of health care delivery and to facilitate the evaluation of the most promising programs and policies through randomized controlled trials.

Leading health economists engaged in studying a broad range of questions within health care delivery will not only offer methodological guidance on randomized impact evaluations, but will also collaborate with practitioners to conduct them. 

Innovators working towards solutions in health care delivery will share programs they are implementing and team up with researchers to test them. Implementing partners represent organizations or government agencies administering health care delivery programs that could be randomized to test impact. Organizations may include, for example, large hospital networks, state Medicaid offices, health maintenance organizations, accountable care organizations, insurance providers, etc. 

Conference Details The Promise of Experiments in Health Care Delivery

Thursday, October 23 (Afternoon) Open to the public by registration, free

The conference will open with a few key speakers who will present a vision for using randomized evaluations to test the most promising approaches in health care delivery and population health. 

Keynote speaker: 
  • Peter Orszag, Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget at the White House: Keynote Address
Featured speakers:
  • Jeffrey Brenner, Founder and Executive Director of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers: The Promise of Using RCTs in Population Health
  • Amy Finkelstein, Health Care Delivery Initiative Chair: Review of Promising Areas for Experimentation 

Intensive Partnership Development

Thursday, October 23 (Evening) and Friday, October 24 (Full Day) By invitation, free 

Thursday, October 23 (Evening) 

The evening session will allow invited researchers and practitioners to learn more about one another's areas of interest and work. Conversations over dinner will prepare researchers and practitioners for more detailed discussion and planning of randomized evaluations. 

Friday, October 24 (Full Day) 

The conference will continue by facilitating conversations between researchers and implementing partners to discuss practical details and plan specific randomized evaluations. Selected researchers and implementing partners will have the opportunity to speak briefly (3-5 minutes) about the programs or policies they are interested in evaluating. Then, practitioners and researchers who share similar thematic interests will meet in small roundtable sessions to identify opportunities for collaboration. The goal of these exercises is to determine how to build randomized evaluations into the design and execution of specific programs. Through this structured interaction between researchers and practitioners, we expect that the conference will result in teams that will design and evaluate innovative solutions to health care delivery in the United States.

To Attend

Registration for HCDI's Partnership Development Conference is now closed.