Evidence-Based Programming in Early Grade Reading

July 26, 2012 New Delhi, India
J-PAL's South Asia regional office, in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) India Mission Office, organized a one-day workshop to explore how evidence on what works can be incorporated to design more effective programs to improve early grade reading outcomes in India.

Based on the evidence presented, J-PAL laid out a set of recommendations to be incorporated into future programs in early grade reading, and defined specific areas where there is still a need for further innovation and experimentation.

USAID India will launch an initiative in Fall 2012 to fund early grade reading programs designed around J-PAL affiliates' research presented at the workshop.

Agenda for the Conference

Conference Booklet

Each of the three sessions began with a review of the existing evidence on the session topic. A practitioner then brought the evidence to life using real-world examples. The panels concluded with a moderated discussion on how the evidence can be translated for the Indian context and how it can be used as the basis for future programs in early grade reading.