Teacher adoption of CAL: A pilot study of the Eedi platform in the U.S.

The proposed pilot aims to understand factors that influence the successful embedding of Eedi into schools' practice, leading to sustained teacher engagement, high student usage, and improved learning outcomes. To do so, we propose to work in 6th grade classes at 5 US middle schools to identify: 1) Optimal Delivery Model: Identification of the best onboarding and continued engagement model for the effective use of Eedi; and 2) RCT Refinement: Insights on effective recruitment, data collection strategies, and onboarding approach that help set up a successful full-scale randomized evaluation. We hypothesize that teachers with more onboarding support are more likely to better match their classroom curriculum with content on Eedi and adopt the platform in their regular teaching practices, which will ultimately result in greater student engagement and improved learning outcomes. Lessons learned from this implementation pilot will lay the foundation for a successful, future, randomized evaluation measuring the impact of the Eedi platform on middle school math learning outcomes.

RFP Cycle:
LEVI RFP [June 2024]
United States of America
  • Pilot project