Mochamad Thoriq Akbar

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia
Mochamad Thoriq Akbar is a Senior Research Associate at J-PAL Southeast Asia where he works on an initiative in promoting MSMEs growth. Prior to joining J-PAL in 2021, he worked at Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives where he managed an impact evaluation project on health worker team-based deployment in several primary healthcare centers in Jakarta and Bandung. Other than that, he was also a research intern in The National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction.
Thoriq received his bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Padjadjaran University with a Bidikmisi Scholarship. In 2019, he was awarded as the most outstanding student on the faculty. Interested in development economics issues such as health, education, poverty, and inequality, one of his research has been published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.