Governance Initiative

election officials with ballot papers in a polling station
J-PAL’s Governance Initiative (GI) funds randomized evaluations of interventions designed to improve participation in the political and policy process, reduce corruption and leakages, and strengthen state capacity.

By providing targeted funding for rigorous evaluations of the most promising programs to improve governance, GI aims to offer guidance for implementing organizations, governments, and donors, so that policies can be guided by scientific evidence to improve development outcomes.

Funding Cycles

GI is accepting proposals as of March 28, 2025. Please see the Request for Proposals webpage for details. LOIs are due Tuesday, April 22 at 11:59 p.m. ET and proposals are due Tuesday, June 3 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Overview of standard RFP process: 

  • GI has two funding cycles per year for full research projects, pilot studies, multidisciplinary projects, and travel/proposal development grants that address open questions outlined in the Governance Initiative Review Paper. RFPs are typically released August and March. 
  • J-PAL affiliates, J-PAL post-docs, and invited researchers are eligible to apply for funding for full-scale evaluations (for a maximum of $400,000; typically up to $250,000), pilot studies (up to $75,000), travel/proposal development grants (up to $10,000), and multidisciplinary research grants (up to $30,000). PhD students, with support from an adviser who is a J-PAL affiliate or invited researcher, are also eligible to apply for travel/proposal development grants, multidisciplinary research grants, and up to $50,000 for a pilot or full-scale study. 
  • Each proposal is reviewed by up to three referees: an academic reviewer, a policy expert(s), and a member of the GI Review Board. The Review Board makes final funding decisions.

Key Facts

J-PAL Global
  • Research RFP: Open
For the Spring 2025 round, GI is accepting full, pilot, multidisciplinary, and travel/proposal development proposals from PhD students of J-PAL affiliates or invited researchers (from any J-PAL initiative or regional office), invited researchers, affiliates, and J-PAL postdocs. All proposals are required to be related to political participation, corruption and leakages, and state capacity.


For researchers

Request for Proposals

J-PAL’s Governance Initiative (GI) funds randomized evaluations of strategies to improve governance in low- and middle-income countries. GI has two funding cycles per year calling for proposals from J-PAL affiliates, J-PAL postdocs, and J-PAL invited researchers (from any J-PAL initiative or regional office) for full research projects, pilot studies, travel/proposal development grants, multidisciplinary grants, and policy outreach support grants. 

GI is accepting proposals as of March 28, 2025. Please see the Request for Proposals webpage for details. LOIs are due Tuesday, April 22 at 11:59 p.m. ET and proposals are due Tuesday, June 3 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

For researchers

Conference Travel Grants

In an effort to foster global collaboration between researchers working on governance topics, GI launched a conference travel grants program to support the participation of researchers based in low and middle-income countries to attend leading economics international conferences. 

GI is not accepting applications for our Conference Travel Grants program at this time.

Initiative Staff

Elizabeth Graff, Policy Manager

Gabrielle Fiore, Senior Manager of Finance and Operations

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