Quipu Commission

The Quipu Commission seeks to generate innovative proposals and empirical evidence that the Peruvian government can use to answer key policy questions and design and implement better public policies.
To achieve this goal, J-PAL—along with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), Soluciones Empresariales para la Pobreza (Business Solutions for Poverty; SEP), the Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social of Peru (Ministry for Social Development and Inclusion; MIDIS), and the Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (Ministry of Economics and Finance; MEF)—will bring together academics, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss the most pressing social issues and public policy questions in Peru and develop evidence-based policies that aim at resolving them.
The Quipu Commission’s objectives are to:
- Identify key questions related to social development and inclusion that have yet to be answered.
- Identify effective interventions carried out in Peru and in other countries that address the identified policy questions or issues.
- Diagnose the strengths and shortcomings of current social programs being implemented in Peru.
- Design innovative interventions or propose modifications to current social programs.
- Choose viable interventions to implement and to evaluate rigorously.
The members of the commission developed the seven proposals below with the support of international advisors, the commission’s support team, and members of the Peruvian Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS) and the Peruvian Ministry of Economics and Finances (MEF). More details can be found in the Quipu Commission Report.
- Public policy management: Monitoring, supervision, and continuous improvement of selected priority actions (Researcher: Javier Abugattas)
- JUNTOS: Financial Inclusion in rural areas using point of sales technology (Researcher: Alberto Chong.)
- Promoting health practices in families for the prevention of children’s malnutrition (Researcher: Midori de Habich)
- Strengthening the management of comprehensive care to combat chronic child malnutrition (Researcher: Midori de Habich)
- Attacking social determinants of chronic child malnutrition in Peru through “Cuna Más” (Researcher: Martín Valdivia)
- Impact evaluation of a reinforced school lunch program (Researcher: Gustavo Yamada)
- Job training or entrepreneurship: How to support the rural youth? (Researcher: Gustavo Yamada)
Participating organizations
Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Ministry of Social Development and Inclusion; MIDIS)
Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (Ministry of Economics and Finances; MEF)
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
Media coverage
"MEF y MIDIS serán socios estratégicos para reducir pobreza de manera eficiente." Andina, Agencia Peruana de Noticias.
"MIDIS identifica 4.78 millones de peruanos en situación de exclusión." Andina, Agencia Peruana de Noticias.
"MEF y MIDIS se convierten en socios estratégicos para reducir la pobreza con eficacia." Comunicado de Prensa, MEF Perú.