Tejal Johri

Research Manager, J-PAL South Asia
Tejal Johri is a Research Manager at J-PAL South Asia in the Payments and Governance Research Program (PGRP) and is based in Mumbai. She is currently managing the Maharashtra Choice project that offers cash transfers in lieu of in-kind subsidies to beneficiaries of the Public Distribution System, the Odisha High Frequency Monitoring project that monitors the experience of beneficiaries and Fair Price Shop owners within the framework of the Public Distribution System and the portability project. She previously worked as a Senior Research Associate at J-PAL.
Prior to joining J-PAL, she worked as a research assistant at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. She has a Masters in Research(MRes) in economics from the University of Warwick, where she did her dissertation on the effects of gender quota on the quality of politicians in Brazil. She has field experience in implementing a randomized evaluation in India on gender gaps and political participation of women. In the past, she has also done a survey in Haryana where she studied the role of Panchayats in the functioning of the PDS system.
Her interests lie at the intersection of political economy, gender and development.