

Browse news articles about J-PAL and our affiliated professors, and read our press releases and monthly global and research newsletters. For media inquiries, please email us.

UNICEF Egypt holds seminar on early childhood development

Egypt Today discusses a webinar co-hosted by UNICEF and J-PAL Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to promote evidence on early childhood development. J-PAL Affiliate and Health Sector Co-Chair Karen Macours, as well as J-PAL MENA Executive Director Alison Fahey, presented at the event.

A "big push" that can put India's poorest women on the path to self-sufficiency

A study co-authored by J-PAL South Asia staff is the latest in a string of evidence suggesting that a "big push" of cash and asset support, including the Graduation Approach originally developed by BRAC, can help low-income women break poverty traps. This evidence helped encourage the Indian state...

May 2022 J-PAL MENA Newsletter

J-PAL MENA's May Newsletter features updates on regional impact evaluations, upcoming policy outreach events, and government partnerships.

Meet the Yale professor who anchors his research in Bangladesh and scales up interventions globally

J-PAL affiliate Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak shares his journey to development economics, including the continuing influence of being raised in Bangladesh, as well as his research philosophy and ongoing projects.

Play activities lifting Rohingya children's spirits in Bangladesh refugee camps

J-PAl affiliate Asad Islam evaluates BRAC's learning spaces for 3,500 Rohingya mothers and children in Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh, finding that the mental health of children and mothers significantly improved after engaging in play- and arts-based learning programs for a year.

Springing people from the poverty trap

J-PAL affiliates Oriana Bandiera and Robin Burgess' collaboration with BRAC in Bangladesh uncovers evidence explaining what underlies the success of certain “big push” antipoverty programs.

May 2022 Newsletter

In the May newsletter, we highlight the Economics Transformation Project, the impact of climate change on food security and nutrition, the Humanitarian Initiative Learning Agenda, and the professional journeys of J-PAL alumni.

Information works: The impact of training on the adoption of environmental technologies by farmers

In VoxDev, a development economics platform, J-PAL affiliates Jenny Aker and Kelsey Jack discuss a novel training that improves agricultural technology adoption rates.