SfPI Rolling RFP

The Science for Progress Initiative (SfPI) welcomes proposals at any time through our rolling RFP. See the below information on eligibility, proposal guidelines, and the application process. Direct any questions to [email protected].
Research Funding Opportunities
Competitive research funding is available for full RCT evaluation grants with a funding cap of $500,000, pilot study grants with a cap of $75,000, and travel/proposal development grants with a cap of $10,000. Pilot and travel/proposal development grants must plausibly contribute towards an eventual full randomized evaluation. We aim to support proposals that will advance the field of metascience by producing rigorous, quantitative evidence from randomized evaluations on the most effective approaches to funding and supporting scientific endeavors. Given that metascience is a nascent, burgeoning field, we welcome diverse ideas related to these topics.
Matchmaking Opportunities
SfPI is currently working with The Experiment Foundation to identify researchers to study the Science Angel program. This program is designed to use microgrants to fund high-risk, high-reward scientific research ideas outside of traditional peer review processes. Our objective is to generate insights into the characteristics of effective early-stage science funders and the impact of microgrants and field-building efforts on emerging fields of research.
To learn more about the opportunity, please see this overview document. Interested researchers should reach out to McKenzie Leier ([email protected]) by March 28th.
Submission Instructions
Eligibility: First, please verify your eligibility by thoroughly reading SfPI’s RFP overview. Ineligible applicants will be notified during Expression of Interest (EOI) reviews and will not be invited to submit proposals. Only J-PAL invited researchers, J-PAL affiliates, PhD students advised by invited researchers or affiliates, J-PAL staff with PhDs, and J-PAL postdocs may apply. All proposals may include collaborators outside of the J-PAL network.
Applicants are limited to three funded proposals, inclusive of all proposal types, per 12-month period per initiative (either as PI or co-PI).
Online Portal Instructions: SfPI, along with most initiatives at J-PAL, is now using a new online portal called WizeHive. Here is the link to the online portal. Please review these instructions for applicants. As of March 25th, 2025, we ask that all applicants use WizeHive to submit their applications.
To locate SfPI program application portals, you may click on the online portal link above and search SfPI. Alternatively, below are the links for each of the three proposal types:
If you experience any errors or technical issues, you can first check this J-PAL guide to WizeHive as well as the platform's FAQ section. For additional support during business hours, please reach out to [email protected] and CC [email protected]. For all other questions, please email [email protected].
LOI Submission: The required Letter of Intent (LOI) will be used to confirm that the applicant is eligible to apply and that the proposed topic is within scope for SfPI. SfPI staff will aim to review and respond to LOIs within two business days, and information from approved LOIs will automatically be transferred to a full application.
Submission of Full Proposal: Once you have submitted your LOI and received confirmation to proceed, you may submit a full proposal. Please refer to the documents in the Supporting Materials section below to complete your proposal. Like the LOI, the full proposal should also be submitted in our online portal. Proposals will be considered in the order they are received, and we will aim to communicate decisions within 2 weeks of the date of receipt.
Supporting Materials
1. Letter of Intent (LOI), Request for Proposals (RFP), and Code of Conduct
SfPI Request for Proposal (RFP)
Code of Conduct for the J-PAL Community
2. Proposal Guidelines
Proposal Guidelines: Pilot Studies
Proposal Guidelines: Travel/Proposal Development Grant
3. Budget Templates
Proposal Development/Travel Grant Budget Template
Basic Cost Collection Template
4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How will my proposal be scored?
Please see SfPI’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Conflict of Interest Policy for details of our evaluation criteria.
When will I know whether my proposal was selected for funding?
We will aim to communicate decisions on applications within 2 weeks of the date of proposal receipt. Full RCT applications over $75,000 require peer review and may require 3-4 weeks.
What will be required of researchers (and the institution to receive the award) should we be selected for funding (in terms of reporting, deliverables, etc.)?
Please see the Award Requirements and Set Up Process document for detailed information about reporting and deliverables.
I’m a PhD student; can I apply?
PhD students with a J-PAL affiliate or invited researcher serving on their thesis committee are eligible to apply. The affiliate or invited researcher can be based at the same institution as the student, or at a different institution. Alternatively, PhD students may also be co-PIs on grant applications submitted by a J-PAL affiliate or invited researcher, in which case the expectation is for co-PIs to be full and equal collaborators. Please see the SOPs for more details.
Does the Principal Investigator (PI) need to have an official affiliation with the organization receiving the subaward and funds?
The PI of a subaward issued by MIT’s Research Services Administration must have an official affiliation with the organization receiving the subaward and funds. This individual is fully responsible for the implementation of the research project in accordance with the proposal and with appropriate research and data protection practices. IRB approval must be held by the institution that enters into the subaward agreement with MIT. If the institution does not have their own IRB, they must engage the services of a commercial IRB to review and provide oversight for their research activities. Please see the J-PAL Human Subjects Memo 2023 for full details. Email [email protected] and [email protected] if you have questions.
The online portal asks for partner information. Will J-PAL or SfPI contact partner organizations?
No, neither J-PAL nor SfPI will contact these partner organizations.