Humanitarian Protection Initiative Request for Proposals

HPI woman walking in a refugee camp carrying items on her head
A woman walking home through the heavily guarded Bentiu camp for people fleeing conflict in South Sudan.
Photo by Anouk Delafortrie, © European Union, 2018 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (


The Humanitarian Protection Initiative (HPI) is pleased to announce its second Request for Proposals (RFP). HPI funds research to design, pilot, and evaluate solutions to effectively improve protection outcomes by keeping those who are affected by armed conflict safe from violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation while ensuring their dignity and rights. More detail on the initiative’s scope and research and learning priorities is provided in the RFP document.

Please carefully review the RFP as well as the information below to gain a full understanding of scope, grant types, eligibility criteria, the application process, and the application instructions.


HPI aims to generate rigorous evidence to inform policies and programs that shield conflict-affected populations from physical, psychological, social, and legal harm and mitigate the effects of conflict where harm has occurred. As such, HPI will provide funding to develop context-sensitive research on the impact of interventions that seek to ensure the safety, dignity and rights of people affected by armed conflict and keeping people safe from violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation.


Research Team Eligibility

One researcher per project must be a J-PAL affiliate, an invited researcher to HPI or the J-PAL Europe office, or a J-PAL postdoc. PhD candidates supervised by J-PAL affiliates or eligible invited researchers are also eligible.

In addition, HPI is invested in creating more opportunities for researchers based in or from low- or middle- income countries (LMIC). Please refer to the website on the HPI Scholars Program for more information about eligibility and resources to support proposal development if you are interested in this funding opportunity, are based in or from an LMIC, but don’t meet the conditions outlined above.

Research teams that do not fit the J-PAL-specific eligibility criteria are encouraged to fill in this researcher interest form and send it to [email protected] in order to discuss possible options, including the possibility of being connected to eligible researchers.

All applicants (including affiliates and invited researchers) are limited to submitting three proposals, inclusive of all proposal types, per 12-month period per initiative either as main PIs or co-PIs. If an applicant is submitting a fourth proposal in a 12-month period, the proposal is ineligible for funding.

Geographic Eligibility and Focus

HPI can fund projects in ODA-eligible countries. In line with the initiative’s scope, HPI expects research projects to take place in fragile contexts, with a focus on acute conflict settings. While in principle ODA-eligible, the initiative’s strategic focus does not lie on Latin America and the Caribbean. Projects from that region will have to score particularly high on policy relevance and the potential to generate generalizable insights.

Grant Types

Competitive research funding will be available for travel/proposal development grants (up to US$10,000), pilot studies (up to US$75,000), and randomized impact evaluations ("full studies"; up to US$350,000). PhD candidates supervised by an eligible J-PAL affiliate or invited researcher can apply for funding of up to US$50,000.

Please carefully consult HPI’s RFP and the relevant application instructions linked below for more detail on the purpose of each of these grant types and choose the type that best fits the current stage of your research.

Application Steps and Deadlines

Accessing the Application Portal

J-PAL initiatives is now using a new online portal (WizeHive) for all proposal submissions. WizeHive is an online grant management portal that J-PAL Initiative RFPs have transitioned into. You will submit your application, including relevant attachments, through WizeHive. It will, however, require a new login. Please use the Application Instructions and follow the prompts in the links below to create a new login.


Step 1: Submitting a Letter of Interest (LOI) 

Letters of Interest will help us determine research team eligibility, whether your proposed project fits HPI’s scope and addresses its research priorities, and whether the proposed project fits the selected grant type. We aim to respond to LOI submissions within two weeks to let applicants know whether they are invited to submit a full proposal.

Step 2: Submitting a Proposal

If you receive an invitation to submit a full proposal following the LOI stage, please follow the next steps outlined in the relevant application instructions linked below. We encourage applicants to submit their full proposal before the deadline if they wish to receive feedback on the content of their proposal. 


HPI’s 3rd round of funding opens on March 26, 2025Letters of Interest (LOIs) are due Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 12 p.m (noon) ET. Full proposals are due Tuesday, June 03, 2025 at 12 p.m (noon) ET. Funding decisions will be announced in July 2025. 

We encourage you to reach out to [email protected] with any questions. We look forward to receiving your proposals to this Spring 2025 RFP.

Off-cycle Proposals

HPI welcomes off-cycle proposals to better align with the fast-paced nature of humanitarian programming. Off-cycle proposals must be submitted through the same application portal as regular proposals and motivate how following current or upcoming RFP cycles will undermine the project’s feasibility. Research teams interested in submitting an off-cycle proposal should reach out to [email protected] to discuss their proposal and a suitable timeline before starting their application.

Supporting Materials and Templates

1. Request for Proposals (RFP)

3. Submission Material Templates

Total Project Budget (overview over all costs required to complete the project)

Initiative Budget (budget requested from HPI)

Timeline: Project, Policy and Practice Influence Milestones

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a strong proposal?

Past HPI funding rounds have highlighted that strong proposals will include: 

  1. Direct connection to HPI scope (conflict setting and protection outcomes), listed in HPI’s RFP Overview (pages 6-10 in the document linked below), showing how the research proposed would further these priorities, especially generalizability and innovation.
  2. Demonstrating the research’s policy relevance and potential to advance the current academic understanding of certain areas of research based on theory and previous literature. 
  3. Level of partner or project development commensurate with the proposal type. The partner's letter should show a clear understanding of what the impact evaluation will entail for their operations, and what they explain to learn from it. Applicants that are still developing a partner relationship or have not yet addressed implementation risks may want to consider applying for travel/proposal development grants to further develop their ideas.
  4. Refrain from allocating a significant proportion (if not all) of the budget to staff time. For pilot and Full RCTs, Applicants are encouraged to prioritize funding allocation to data collection in the field and relevant staff needed for such data collection. 
  5. Clear and concise language, laying out their intentions and core details (e.g. research design, implementing partner relationships, etc.) in an organized and simple way.

Can I conduct a small RCT for an HPI pilot project?

No. Pilot grants are for studies with clear research questions, identified interventions, and established partnerships, but which require substantial upfront investments in design, measurement, and/or implementation before a full impact evaluation can be designed and a full study proposal can be submitted. The risk of submitting a small RCT as a pilot proposal is that there will be no clear findings due to being underpowered. Activities of a pilot grant could include testing intervention uptake to refine power calculations, developing new measurement strategies or instruments, analysis of existing data, piloting survey questions, refining the research logistics with the partner to make sure the research and program can be delivered as planned, and/or new data development or collection. These awards are for piloting research, not the intervention.

Am I eligible to apply to HPI ?

You are eligible to apply for HPI if you are a J-PAL affiliate, a J-PAL postdoc, a J-PAL invited researcher and a PhD student who has a J-PAL affiliate or invited researcher on their thesis committee. 
Researchers who are not yet part of the J-PAL researchers’ network are also eligible to apply if they hold a PhD, have a primary affiliation with a university and are based in or from an LMIC. Learn more about HPI’s LMIC Scholars program.

Can I apply for an off-cycle proposal?

HPI RFP 3 funding decisions will be announced in July 2025 with contracting expected to take 3-6 months. If the timeline of this RFP cycle will undermine the project’s feasibility you could alternatively consider an off-cycle application. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to apply for an off-cycle proposal. 


Can I receive feedback on my proposal? If so, when?

The initiative team will be reviewing LOIs and full proposals on a rolling basis. The initiative team may share feedback on the content of the application if necessary and will follow up with the team if the application materials are incomplete. We encourage applicants to submit their applications before the deadline to allow the initiative team to review and provide feedback. 

HPI Scholar applicants who are successful at the LOI stage will be invited to discuss their proposal with J-PAL staff members to strengthen their application.

If a full proposal does not receive funding, the initiative team will share an email back with the applicant and provide feedback.


Can I apply to CVI and P&R with the same proposal?

When applying to HPI, consider whether your proposal may be better suited for one of the following initiatives, which often cover similar geographies and also emphasize supporting innovation and research that maximizes generalizability (and with it, broad policy relevance). While the priority questions of HPI, CVI, and IPA’s Peace & Recovery Initiative may overlap, HPI has a much greater emphasis on protection in acute conflict settings. CVI focuses on crime and criminal justice issues and P&R has a broader focus on state and institution building and post-crisis recovery.

If you are uncertain about whether your proposal falls within the HPI’s scope, e-mail [email protected].

Please note that your proposal will only be reviewed by the board members of one initiative. J-PAL and IPA will not duplicate funding. If you are applying for a Full RCT and seeking co-funding from another initiative because your project cost is more than US$350, 000, please email the HPI team to let them know.

Can I apply to HPI for more than one project at a time?

Yes. We limit HPI applications per researcher to a maximum of three in a 12-month period (PI or co-PI), which can be a combination of different project types (e.g. two pilots and one randomized evaluation).

I am a policymaker or implementing organization interested in evaluating an innovation. How can I connect with an eligible researcher in the J-PAL network?

Our team is glad to facilitate connections between potential partners and J-PAL’s network of researchers. We would be interested in hearing more about your organization and the program or policy you are interested in evaluating so we can identify if there are researchers in our network who may be available and interested. 

Please check out our matchmaking form for more information or contact our team at [email protected].

I am a PhD student with a J-PAL affiliate or invited researcher on my thesis committee. Are there restrictions on what costs can be covered by an HPI research grant?

HPI is able to fund research projects for PhD students advised by a J-PAL affiliated researcher of up to US$50,000, and we aim for the majority of this support to go directly to the research. Otherwise, all normal HPI budget policies apply. Please note that we do not cover the tuition of PhD students.

Can HPI funding be used to cover the implementation costs of the intervention being evaluated?

Implementation costs are expected to be borne by the project partners. However, under some circumstances, HPI can fund implementation costs where it is a marginal addition to an existing program to offset costs from an experiment (e.g. adding an additional treatment arm or the costs of an encouragement design). These types of costs might include travel, small participant incentives, and/or SMS fees.

Does J-PAL require that the reviewing IRB have IORG status with the US Office of Human Protections?

Yes. J-PAL requires that the reviewing IRB have IORG status with the US Office of Human Protections. An IRB’s status can be found by consulting the database of IORGs here.

Does the Principal Investigator (PI) need to have an official affiliation with the organization receiving the subaward and funds?

Yes. The PI named on  a subaward issued by MIT’s Research Administration Services must be employed by the organization receiving the subaward and funds. This individual is fully responsible for the implementation of the research project per the proposal and with appropriate research and data protection practices. IRB approval must be held by the institution that enters into the subaward agreement with MIT. The IRB approval must be held by the Institute to Receive the Award (ITRA) and name the same PI that is affiliated with the ITRA.  If the institution does not have its own IRB, it must engage the services of a commercial IRB to review and provide oversight for its research activities. 

Please see the J-PAL Human Subjects Memo 2023 for full details. Email [email protected] and [email protected] if you have any questions.

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