Scaling up Technology Aided Formative Learning in Government Schools
The intervention involves the teacher-directed use of educational technology focusing on foundational learning in first and second grade. The smartphone app, Chimple, uses a game-based approach, provides simple performance metrics, and enables formative assessment and individualized assignments to help teachers tailor instruction. The team previously tested the intervention in affordable private schools in Haryana and found a positive effect on foundational learning, particularly in math for struggling students. They plan to scale up to district-wide implementation in government schools in Uttar Pradesh in the 2025-26 academic year, including an RCT evaluation. During this Scaling Adaptation stage, researchers will pilot the intervention in one block. They will conduct focus groups to better understand take-up and pilot various testing methods to determine the mechanism behind Chimple's impact, focusing on how to facilitate the most effective use of the technology including using Chimple to help teachers better identify and assist struggling students. Finally, they will pilot survey instruments and educational tests.