Optimizing Performance in Targeting Immunizations for Adolescents (OPTIMA) Initiative
Improving immunization rates has become a recent national focus in the wake of declining immunization rates following the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on health care access and utilization. One population of particular focus is adolescents. The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) is partnering with J-PAL North America to determine the feasibility of a randomized evaluation of the OPTIMA program (Optimize Performance in Targeting Immunizations for Adolescents). The objective of OPTIMA is to improve awareness of and access to HPV (human papillomavirus), TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), and meningococcal vaccines among adolescents aged 9–12 through educational materials for households, age-based vaccination reminders, and improving care access. The goal of the program is to increase the number of members receiving the recommended vaccinations by age 13.