Experimental Evaluation of Novotec Integrado Program: Evidence for the Novo Ensino Médio in Brazil

This large-scale research project aims to evaluate the Novotec program and the impacts of integrating technical and vocational education into the high school curriculum within the context of the state of São Paulo. Through the collection of administrative data and survey questionnaires, the researchers will seek to understand the educational and labor market effects of providing vocational courses with certification to students in the state public school system. The project also takes into account the gender dimension, with half of the slots reserved for women, and has the potential to influence public policies related to education and technical training in the country.

RFP Cycle:
JOI Brasil 2023 Primeiro Semestre
  • André Portela Souza
  • Caio Castro
  • Finamor
  • Lycia Lima
  • Gabriel Weber Costa
  • Estudo completo de avaliação de impacto aleatorizada