Empowering Diversity in Innovation: The Role of Inclusive Math Programs for Underrepresented Students
Women, racial minorities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds continue to be underrepresented in innovation. Yet, differences in ability, as measured by math test scores in early childhood, explain very little of these disparities. In the proposed study, the researchers plan to investigate potential interventions that can effectively raise math achievement and aspirations among underrepresented groups in mathematics. To shed light on this, the researchers are partnering with Math Circles of Chicago. Math Circles offers a series of free math programs (such as in-person and online hubs, summer camps, and after school programs) to students in grades 3 to 12.
Research Management Support (RMS) assisted the researchers and Math Circles with narrowing down their research question and design, honing in on a theory of change, and evaluating the team's readiness to conduct an RCT. RMS also provided guidance around designing a pilot to best inform a full RCT and best IRB practices.