Cost of Failure to Appear for Arraignment

In a jurisdiction where failure to appear (FTA) at an arraignment leads to a default judgment against the defendant, additional fines, suspension of drivers’ licenses, and a warrant, about one-third of defendants nevertheless FTA. In collaboration with a large municipal court system, this RCT evaluates multiple notification interventions to reduce FTA. We will randomize both the messages delivered as well as the mode of communication. Messages will emphasize the consequences of FTA, accommodations offered by the court, and the availability of a payment plan. These messages will be delivered either by postcard or by text message. We will further test whether these low-cost nudges are more cost-effective than a case manager having direct contact. The results of the study will help researchers and policymakers understand why FTA occurs and the most cost-effective methods for reducing it.

RFP Cycle:
SPRI RFP VIII [Aug 2017]
United States of America
  • Helen Ho
  • Pilot project