Can a low-cost digital intervention lead to sustained learning impacts for adolescents? Evidence from Bangladesh
Researchers are evaluating two interventions that were virtually implemented during Covid-19-related school closures via a school-based cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. The interventions are (1) a gender-neutral Growth Mindset (GM) program around malleable intelligence and (2) a Girl Rising (GR) program that focuses on gender norms around girls’ education that is layered on top of GM. These interventions were implemented in 2021 when students were in grades 8 and 9. Follow-up surveys were conducted in 2022 when adolescents were in grades 9 and 10. Results suggest improvements in school re-enrollment and math and reading test scores and reductions in paid work among boys. Among girls, there were improvements in socioemotional skills and reductions in the likelihood of early marriage. Researchers are proposing an additional follow-up survey, when adolescents would be in grades 11 and 12, to assess impacts on grade 10 completion, educational test performance, employment transitions, and experiences of early marriage.