Can a digital tool foster immigrants’ integration?

In many countries, immigrants tend to earn lower wages, have less appealing jobs, and are less socially engaged compared to the native population with similar age, education, and gender. This is especially true for recent migrants, refugees, and family migrants. While gaps in integration, like language and employment, can shrink over time, this often takes decades. Challenges in integration stem from immigrants’ characteristics, such as language or skill gaps, or the host society’s negative attitudes. Additionally, practical barriers like lack of information and administrative hurdles complicate the process. While changing attitudes and characteristics takes time, policy interventions can help reduce frictions quickly and cost-effectively.

In this study, participants in a random sample were provided information about the Integreat app. The effects were analysed six and twelve months later using surveys and app usage data to identify the most relevant information for immigrants and effective delivery methods.

The experimental design included inviting a sample of the target population to an incentivised online survey about immigrant integration. Among those who completed the survey, a treatment group received information about Integreat, while a control group did not. The use of the app by the treatment group was tracked, and both groups were followed up with incentivised surveys to assess integration over time. The sample was also asked about employment outcomes to measure labor market outcomes.

The pilot, conducted from December 2021 to March 2023, finds that knowledge of Integreat increased participants' willingness to stay in their current city. Treated participants also reported feeling more welcome and integrated, but only in municipalities with high-quality content. The study shows that simply providing information was not enough to raise awareness; additional push notifications on specific topics like language training, job search, and mental health were crucial for increasing usage and awareness of Integreat.

RFP Cycle:
Second round
  • Pilot project