Addressing Implicit Bias in Higher Education

This study will evaluate the effects of faculty's implicit bias training on closing academic disparities by race and gender in higher education. Faculty, who play central roles in students' academics and careers, are well-positioned to address gaps in students' aspirations, academic performance, major choice, completion, and career outcomes. Yet, faculty often lack access to teaching tools and feedback to ensure their instructional and mentorship decisions close--rather than exacerbate--students' achievement gaps. We will evaluate a set of teaching tools that raise faculty's awareness about unconscious attitudes and behavior on students' perceptions of ability, course and major selection, completion, and mobility. We will pilot our RCT in partnership with Oregon's largest community college system and scale-up in Virginia's colleges and universities.

RFP Cycle:
SLII RFP V [Sept 2019]
United States of America
  • Full project