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Welfare Impacts of Micro-Loans in Nigeria

In Nigeria, researchers worked with a financial service provider to evaluate the impact of digital loans on welfare. Being approved for the loans increased subjective well-being after three months, for applicants who normally would have been denied.

Paiement à la performance dans le secteur de la santé : résultats en République Démocratique du Congo

Elise Huillery
Juliette Seban
De nombreux pays développés et en développement mettent en œuvre des mécanismes de financement basé sur la performance afin d’améliorer l’efficacité du service public. Cependant, il existe encore trop peu de preuves de l’impact que peuvent avoir de tels dispositifs. Les chercheurs ont donc évalué un...

Measuring Competition Through Subsidies in Sierra Leone's Cocoa Market

Tristan Reed
In order to measure the level of competition among traders in Sierra Leone’s cocoa market, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to test the impact of delivering subsidies to cocoa traders on prices that traders paid to cocoa farmers. While the bonus payments did not affect the prices paid...

The Impact of Quality Upgrading and Market Access on Farmers’ Productivity and Profits in Uganda

In western Uganda, researchers conducted a series of randomized evaluations that assessed the impact of introducing a combination of post-harvest services, training on agricultural best practices, and access to a market for high-quality maize on farmers’ productivity and profits. Researchers found...