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The Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Low-Income Individuals in Rural Ghana

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be an effective mental health approach for people living in poverty, who are especially vulnerable to mental distress and face unique demands on their mental “bandwidth.” Researchers worked with Innovations for Poverty Action and the University of Ghana Medical...

Raccordement à l’eau des ménages à Tanger, au Maroc

Les ménages de Tanger, au Maroc, acceptent volontiers de payer pour avoir l’eau courante. Tandis que ce raccordement à domicile n’a aucun impact sur les maladies liées à l'eau, le bien-être déclaré par les ménages augmente de façon significative.

Examining Preferences for Inclusive Decision-Making in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, researchers evaluated how temporary exposure to a community driven development program altered citizens’ preferences for inclusive, participatory approaches to decision-making. In this context, exposure to participatory decision-making increased the value that communities assigned to...